
Laravel package for fineUploader.js package

1.1 2020-03-23 10:45 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-29 04:15:43 UTC


Run commands:

composer require xsoft/fine-uploader
php artisan fineUploader:install
php artisan config:cache


1. Include in your view

Remember to adjust xsoft/fineUploader/combined.blade.php file to your layout composition.

2. Add div where you want uploader to show.
<div id="my-fine-uploader"></div>
3. Call function on your div


Most of options are the same as options specified in FineUploader.js documentation.

    'multiple' : true,
    'directory' : 'my_directory',
    'inputId' : 'my-input-id',
    'debug' : 1,
    'onCompleteCallback' : myJsFunction,
    'allowedExtensions' : ['jpg','png']

- multiple

Specify if input should accept multiple files. Default: false

- allowedExtensions

Array of allowed extensions. Default: [] - accept all

- directory

Specify directory in storage. Default directory is "fineUploader"

- template

Specify template id.

- inputId

Specify if input where file name will be injected after successful upload.

- partSize

Specify chunk size that will be sent at a time. Default value can be managed in config/fineUploader.php

- debug

Turns on or of fineUploader.js debug in console.

- onCompleteCallback

- onCancelCallback

- onUploadCallback

- onDeleteCallback

- onDeleteCompleteCallback


You can configure fineUploader options in config\fineUploader.php file or by adding to your projects .env file:



Route::prefix('fineUploader')->name('fineUploader.')->group(function () {
    Route::post('/upload', 'Xsoft\FineUploaderController@upload')->name('upload');
    Route::delete('/delete/{id?}', 'Xsoft\FineUploaderController@delete')->name('delete');

In order to add authentication on fineUploader routes you can add those routes to your project web.php routes file and secure it in on your own.