
A starter application based on Silex framework

dev-master 2017-02-20 03:38 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 20:19:03 UTC


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SilexStarter is a starter application built on the top of Silex framework, Laravel's Eloquent, Cartalyst Sentry, and some other third party and built in components. SilexStarter aim to help building simple application faster, it built with MVC and modular approach in mind, and comes with some basic admin module, including user manager, and module manager.


For now, the installable branch is only develop branch, you can easily install it using composer by using following command

composer create-project xsanisty/silexstarter target_dir dev-develop -s dev

once composer install is completed, you can initialize the app using following command

$cd target_dir
$./xpress app:init

Module can be developed directly inside the app/modules directory and create module on its own namespace or build it as separate composer package, module can be enabled or disabled by registering it in app/config/modules.php


file : app/routes.php Route configuration can be created like normal Silex route, or using route builder using similar syntax like Laravel's route.

Silex routing style

/* the application instance is available as $app in context of route.php */

$app->get('/page', function(){
    return 'I am in a page';

$app->post('/save', function(){
   return 'Ok, all data is saved!';

/* grouping */
$app->group('prefix', function() use ($app) {
    $app->group('page', function() use ($app) {
        $app->get('index', function(){
            return 'I am in prefix/page/index';

/* resourceful controller */
$app->resource('prefix', 'SomeController');

/* route controller */
$app->controller('prefix', 'SomeController');

Laravel routing style

/* route can be built using the Route static proxy */

Route::get('/page', function(){
    return 'I am in a page';

Route::post('/save', function(){
   return 'Ok, all data is saved!';

/* grouping */
Route::group('prefix', function() {
    Route::group('page', function() {
        Route::get('index', function(){
            return 'I am in prefix/page/index';

/* resourceful controller */
Route::resource('prefix', 'SomeController');

/* route controller */
Route::controller('prefix', 'SomeController');


file: app/controllers/*

Controller basically can be any classes that reside in controllers folder, it will be registered as service when enabled, and will be properly instantiated when needed, with all dependency injected.

Assume we have PostRepository and CommentRepository, we should register it first before it can be properly injected into controller.

file: app/services/RepositoryServiceProvider.php


use Silex\Application;
use Silex\ServiceProviderInterface;

class RepositoryServiceProvider implements ServiceProviderInterface
    public function register(Application $app)
        $app['PostRepository'] = $app->share(function (Application $app) {
            return new PostRepository

        $app['CommentRepository'] = $app->share(function (Application $app) {
            return new PostRepository

    public function boot(Application $app)


file: app/config/services.php


return [
    'common' => [

file: app/controllers/PostController.php


class PostController{

    protected $postRepo;
    protected $commentRepo;

    public function __construct(PostRepository $postRepo, CommentRepository $commentRepo)
        $this->postRepo = $postRepo;
        $this->commentRepo = $commentRepo;

    public function index(){
        return Response::view('post/index', $this->postRepo->all());

and now, we should able to create route map to this controller

Route::get('/post', 'PostController:index');


file: app/models/*

SilexStarter use Eloquent ORM as database abstraction layer, so you can extends it to create model classJeyac. The configuration of the database can be found in app/config/database.php


class Post extends Model{
    protected $table = 'posts';

    public function comments(){
        return $this->hasMany('Comment');


file: app/views/*


file: app/middlewares.php

Service Provider

file: src/Providers/*


file: app/modules/*

Register module

file: app/config/modules.php

Module Provider

file: app/modules/**/ModuleProvider.php

