
0.0.1 2017-11-21 09:20 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-11 10:45:56 UTC


UFA: Uniform Frontend Archiecture. A PHP composer plugin. 1

How to use?

  1. To add it in your composer.json.
    "require": {
        "xiaolin/ufa": "0.3.*",
    "repositories": {
        // "ufa": {
            // "type": "git",
            // "url": "git@git.corp.angejia.com:frontend/ufa.git"
        // }

If this step success, you can find the vendor/angejia/ufa/ folder under your project.

  1. To add ufa as a service in your config/app.php.
return [
    'providers' => [



After this step, you can use it anywhere without error, such as ufa()->extJs() or ufa()->extCss() .etc.

Note: although it has no error but it still do nothing in your html. In other words, it doesn't include any styles or scripts when your page loading. It won't work, unless you finish next step.

  1. To add ufa views in your config/view.php and include ufa styles & ufa scripts in your HTML blade view.
return [
   'paths' => [
       realpath(base_path('resources/views')),// default
       realpath(base_path('../vendor/angejia/ufa/src/views'))//ufa views folder

Add ufa styles and ufa/scripts, for example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <!-- main content -->

And untill now, the ufa()->extJs and ufa()->extCss works as you expected.

API List

You can use all the following function as this: ufa()->asset('image/home.jpg').

  • extJs($data = [])
  • extCss($data = [])
  • asset($data = [])
    <img src="{{ufa()->asset('image/logo.png')}}"/>
  • addParam($value = [], $key = '')
ufa()->addParam(['count' => $count, 'pagename' => $page_name]);
  • getParam($key)

Get single parameter.

  • getParams()

Get all parameters.# ufa
