
Laravel script installer package

v1.6.0 2024-09-03 10:01 UTC


A Laravel package for installing xgenious script easily with a visual installer image


Require this package with composer:

composer require xgenious/installer

Publish the configuration file::

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Xgenious\Installer\InstallerServiceProvider" --tag="config"

Add Midleware in app\Http\Kernel.php fle


  protected $middleware = [
        /* Laravel defult middleware */

Config Value Explanation

# config/installer.php

return [
    'app_name' => 'Fundorex', //app name 
    'super_admin_role_id' => 3, // super admin role id
    'admin_model' => \App\Admin::class, //admin modal 
    'admin_table' => 'admins', //admin table
    'multi_tenant' => false,
    'author' => 'xgenious', // envato author username
    'product_key' => '8de1f072836b127749b7aa2b575ffc0002ade20e', //product key from xgenious license server
    'php_version' => '8.1', //minimum required php version
    'extensions' => ['BCMath', 'Ctype', 'JSON', 'Mbstring', 'OpenSSL', 'PDO', 'pdo_mysql', 'Tokenizer', 'XML', 'cURL', 'fileinfo'], //required php extensions
    'website' => 'https://xgenious.com', //author website url
    'email' => 'support@xgenious.com', //support url
    'env_example_path' => public_path('env-sample.txt'), //env-sample.txt file locaation, env will be generate based on this file contenant
    'broadcast_driver' => 'log', // default config value 
    'cache_driver' => 'file', // default config value 
    'queue_connection' => 'sync', // default config value 
    'mail_port' => '587', // default config value 
    'mail_encryption' => 'tls', // default config value 
    'model_has_roles' => true,
    'bundle_pack' => false, //if the product has bundle pack
    'bundle_pack_key' => 'dsfasd', //bundle pack product key

Migrate from old Installer

remove install folder, and remove install folder redirection from the root index.php file

Minimal .env File Required

here is example of minimal .env file.


Running Tests

To run the test suite for this package, follow these steps:

Ensure you have the package and its dependencies installed:

composer install

Copy the package's phpunit.xml.dist file to phpunit.xml:

cp phpunit.xml.dist phpunit.xml

Run the tests using PHPUnit:


Or, if you've set up the Composer script, you can use:

composer test

For a coverage report, run:

./vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-html coverage

This will generate an HTML coverage report in the coverage directory.


The tests use an in-memory SQLite database by default. If you need to use a different database for testing, update the phpunit.xml file accordingly.

Some tests may require specific environment variables to be set. Check the phpunit.xml file and set any necessary variables in your local environment or in the phpunit.xml file.

If you encounter any issues running the tests, ensure that all dependencies are properly installed and that your PHP environment meets the package requirements.

Writing New Tests

When adding new features or fixing bugs, please add corresponding test cases. Place new test files in the tests directory, following the existing structure:

Unit tests go in tests/Unit Feature tests go in tests/Feature

Ensure that your test class extends Xgenious\Installer\Tests\TestCase.

If you need to add new test dependencies, add them to the require-dev section of the composer.json file.


When the .env file is not found in your Laravel application, this package will automatically display the installation wizard.