
Default MVC manager for XFRAME

dev-main 2021-03-21 15:16 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-21 22:42:10 UTC


Advanced PHP Framework



Installing with Composer

  1. Install Composer with its dependancies. View how to do that here.
    • composer init Add xframe as a dependancy:
    • composer require xenonmc/xframe
  2. Install PHP 8.0.2

Basic Usage

PLEASE NOTE, when using this framework, do NOT edit the index.php file in the root of the framework, instead, go to the public folder inside and edit that index.php; the public folder is the one needed for your project.

Simple Error Handling

This framework has multiple ways of displaying formatted errors,

First, let's display an error,

error("Warning: fopen(mytestfile.txt) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream:
No such file or directory in C:\webfolder\test.php on line 2");

this outputs

Warning: fopen(mytestfile.txt) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream:
No such file or directory in C:\webfolder\test.php on line 2

We can also make the error fatal by entering true as the functions second parameter

error("Hello world, this is a fatal error", true);

This gives the following output:

FATAL ERROR: Hello world, this is a fatal error

Simple AJAX

This framework also includes AJAX support,

We need to detect an AJAX message. When an AJAX request is sent, XFRAME will detect it an call the callback function,

function onMessage() {

 // code to run once an AJAX call is sent


you can also assign ids of the AJAX calls to find out which part of your page called it, for example, a search query:

function onMessage() {

    if(messageID() == "search_query") {

        echo "A search query was performed";



The above method works but we have a problem, a you can see, we are echoing the result and that means we can't change where it outputs, we could use JavaScript to output in a formatted way, but that's not such a good idea as that means we have to echo js code in our php app meaning we mix code.

To solve this, we can output JSON instead