
Allows building yii2 apps for multiple languages using regional URL's and domains

dev-main 2021-12-16 16:03 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-08 05:13:22 UTC


Allows building yii2 apps for multiple languages using regional URL's and domains

Build Status codecov.io

Quick start:

WARNING: This extension is under active development.

For support - join DotPlant2 gitter channel.


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist xerobug/yii2-multilingual "dev-main"

or add

"xerobug/yii2-multilingual": "dev-main"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


Configure your application

In your web.php config add the following components:

        // URL Manager is needed to build correct URL's
        'urlManager' => [
            'class' => \DevGroup\Multilingual\components\UrlManager::className(),
            'excludeRoutes' => [
            'rules' => [
                '' => 'post/index',
        // this is the main language and geo detection component
        'multilingual' => [
            'class' => \DevGroup\Multilingual\Multilingual::className(),
            'default_language_id' => 1,
            // the list of handlers that will try to detect information(see also sypex-geo-daemon provider)
            'handlers' => [
                    'class' => \DevGroup\Multilingual\DefaultGeoProvider::className(),
                    'default' => [
                        'country' => [
                            'name' => 'England',
                            'iso' => 'en',
        // this is simple storage for Languages configuration
        'filedb' => [
            'class' => 'yii2tech\filedb\Connection',
            'path' => __DIR__ . '/data',

Creating translatable ActiveRecord

As our implementation is based on creocoder/yii2-translatable - the use creation of multilingual ActiveRecords is very similar.

The main differences from creocoder2/yii2translatable:

  • no need to set translationAttributes - they automatically detected from translation model
  • language field is language_id of integer type

In your ActiveRecord class(for example Post) add trait and behavior:

use DevGroup\Multilingual\behaviors\MultilingualActiveRecord;
use DevGroup\Multilingual\traits\MultilingualTrait;

 * Class Post
 * @property integer $author_id
class Post extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
    use MultilingualTrait;

     * @inheritdoc
    public function behaviors()
        return [
            'multilingual' => [
                'class' => MultilingualActiveRecord::className(),
                'translationPublishedAttribute' => 'is_active',

    public static function tableName()
        return '{{%post}}';


Add one line into your HEAD section of layout view:

<?= \DevGroup\Multilingual\widgets\HrefLang::widget() ?>


  1. Remember to take care of language_id when caching multilingual or translatable content
  2. In requests to excluded routes there may be no language_id, but probably can be cookie_language_id
  3. If you want to generate URL's from console application you may need to configure additional params(see https://github.com/DevGroup-ru/yii2-multilingual-demo/blob/master/config/console.php)
  4. MultilingualTrait adds default conditions to find and is not required for use. But if you don't use it - you must manually configure proper relations.
  5. Add indexes to your translation tables, especially for language_id and model_id pair.

Credits and inspiration sources

  • Michael Härtl - author of codemix/yii2-localeurls
  • Company BINOVATOR - authors of SypexGeo database and php class
  • Alexander Kochetov (@creocoder) - yii2-translatable package