
Haskell-style List implementations for PHP

v1.0.0 2020-01-05 18:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-07 20:18:35 UTC


Type-strict iterable lists with functional functionality provided to them.

There are 2 primary ideas behind this library.

  1. To provide a way of specifying a type to elements of an array within PHP and forcing adherence to this.

  2. To provide a series of functional implementations to an iterable type within PHP.

With HasPHP, these have been combined.


With composer installed, in your project type:

composer require xcgpseud/hasphp


HasPhp will ensure that any items in the initial array are the same type as the one specified. When using Objects - it will ensure that they are all the same type as the first in the array.

Here are a few usage examples:

To get all odd numbers between 0 and 200, multiply them by 2 and retrieve the sum of said numbers

\HasPhp\Types\Ints::with(range(0, 200))
    ->filter(fn (int $i): bool => $i % 2 != 0)
    ->map(fn (int $i): int => $i * 2)

To get all people above the age of 18

    ->filter(fn (Person $x): bool => $x->getAge() > 18);

Functions such as map and filter return an IterList so you can chain more functions on to the end. In order to retrieve the array, use ->get()

All functions

Signature is in order of the array within the List -> params -> returns as opposed to Haskell's.

i.e. Haskell's filter is (a -> bool) -> [a] -> [a] because it's called like so: filter (even) [5, 1, 2, 7] whereas Hasphp's is [a] -> (a -> bool) -> [a] because we define the list prior to the function.

Function Signature Strings Ints Objects Description
Abs [a] -> [a] No Yes No Return an IterList containing absolute values.
All [a] -> (a -> bool) -> bool Yes Yes Yes Returns true if the predicate applies to every element.
Any [a] -> (a -> bool) -> bool Yes Yes Yes Returns true if the predicate applies to any of the elements.
Average [a] -> a No Yes No Returns the average of all values.
Break_ [a] -> (a -> bool) -> ([a], [a]) Yes Yes Yes Returns a tuple of all elements until the first one that matches the predicate, followed by the remaining elements.
Delete [a] -> a -> [a] Yes Yes Yes Returns an IterList with the first occurrence of the passed value removed.
Drop [a] -> Int -> [a] Yes Yes Yes Returns the suffix of xs after the first n elements.
DropWhile [a] -> (a -> bool) -> [a] Yes Yes Yes Returns the suffix of xs after the predicate's first failure.
Elem [a] -> a -> bool Yes Yes Yes Returns true if the IterList contains the element; else false.
Filter [a] -> (a -> bool) -> [a] Yes Yes Yes Returns and IterList with all of the elements that match the predicate.
Foldl [b] -> (a -> b -> a) -> a -> a Yes Yes Yes Left fold over the IterList to reduce it to one element with a starting value.
Foldr [a] -> (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b Yes Yes Yes Right fold over the IterList to reduce it to one element with a starting value.
Foldl1 [a] -> (a -> a -> a) -> a Yes Yes Yes Left fold over the IterList to reduce it to one element.
Foldr1 [a] -> (a -> a -> a) -> a Yes Yes Yes Right fold over the IterList to reduce it to one element.
Group [a] -> [[a]] Yes Yes Yes Split the IterList into a Many List of IterLists of equal, adjacent elements.
GroupBy [a] -> (a -> a -> bool) -> [[a]] Yes Yes Yes Split the IterList into a Many List of IterLists of equal, adjacent elements, with a provided equality predicate.
Head [a] -> a Yes Yes Yes Returns the first element of the IterList.
Init [a] -> [a] Yes Yes Yes Returns the IterList without its last element.
Inits [a] -> [[a]] Yes Yes Yes Returns a Many List of initial segments of its argument IterList, shortest first.
Intercalate [a] -> [[a]] -> [a] Yes Yes Yes Returns a Many List with the method receiver List inserted into the IterList at each step.
Intersperse [a] -> a -> [a] Yes Yes Yes Returns the IterList with the provided element between each element.
Last [a] -> a Yes Yes Yes Returns the last element of the IterList.
Length [a] -> int Yes Yes Yes Returns the number of elements in the IterList.
Map [a] -> (a -> bool) -> [a] Yes Yes Yes Returns an IterList with the passed function applied to every element.
Maximum [a] -> a Yes Yes No Returns the maximum element from the IterList.
MaximumBy [a] -> (a -> a -> a) -> a Yes Yes Yes Returns the maximum element from the IterList according to the predicate.
Minimum [a] -> a Yes Yes No Returns the minimum element from the IterList.
MinimumBy [a] -> (a -> a -> a) -> a Yes Yes Yes Returns the minimum element from the IterList according to the predicate.
Nub [a] -> [a] Yes Yes Yes Returns the IterList with duplicates removed.
Null [a] -> bool Yes Yes Yes Returns true if the IterList is empty; otherwise false.
Sum [a] -> a No Yes No Returns the sum of all elements.
Tail [a] -> [a] Yes Yes Yes Returns the IterList without its first element.
Take [a] -> int -> [a] Yes Yes Yes Returns an IterList with only the first n elements, where n is specified.
TakeWhile [a] -> (a -> bool) -> [a] Yes Yes Yes Returns an IterList with all elements until the predicate fails.


  • Fork the Repository
  • Clone your repository
  • Run composer install to install the composer packages required
  • Add functions as a Trait in the src/Functions folder
  • Be sure to add the @mixin PHPDoc comment, hinting that it is a mixin for IterList
  • use the Trait on each of the Types it is valid for, see src/Types/Ints.php and copy if unsure.
  • Add tests in tests/Functions - copy the layout of an existing one using the TestBuilder if possible.
  • Adhere to PHP7.4 (arrow functions etc.) as I'd like to force myself to use the latest version wherever possible!
  • Push your branch up to your forked repository and create a Pull Request into mine.
  • Once tests pass, it'll be reviewed :)

There is currently no documentation for HasPHP but keep an eye open as I plan to add this soon. This will change the contributing guidelines.