
A PHP helper to build Bootstrap compatible html code automatically using OOP syntax.

0.7 2019-01-03 13:20 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-29 03:53:59 UTC


A PHP helper to build Bootstrap compatible html code automatically using OOP syntax.


Please check demo pages here:

Basic CSS.


Bootstrap theme.

Tutorial Video

This page is all the same with a demo page on Bootstrap official website. I write my php code below to show you how to achieve it. Also the worth part is to have a chance looking at html source code.

What is Xantico

This name is owned by a Mayan fire god. Btw it looks cool so I decide use it to name my code, a project of auto. generating bootstrap html code by PHP object oriental programming. It's very helpful if you are working a lot on building contents management system with PHP.

How to use Xantico (Installation)

  1. Put all files under model/ folder into where your models live.
  2. Things under controller/ and view/ folders are not necessary.
  3. Include models how you usually do.
  4. Enjoy it!

A fashion way to install, by composer:

composer require xantico/xantico

System requirements

  • PHP >= 5.4, I use traits feature.
  • My development environ. is under XAMPP v3.2.2. Using Boostrap 3.3.7 standards.

Start a Bootstrap palette

Once your can access my model, you can start your painting! The first thing you need to do is initialize a palette.

$btPalette = new Xantico();

(you can see my sample code in view/BootstrapView.php.)

Although I wish that there ain't too many prepare works to do, you still have to decide where you to load Bootstrap CSS/JS. I wrote down their CDN path inside Bootstrap model as const. var, and you can call them by this way:


There are something optional to load more for my samples:

// Bootstrap theme CSS.
// Bootstrap tutorial page CSS.

(There still one line for customizing Style Sheet contents. I am going to skip it.)

Then you can start to put some color!

Create a Jumbotron for instance

$jumbotron = new Jumbotron();

The same thing you initialize a class named Jumbotron. in below what component you want to use, there shall be a name matched class you'd like to initialize, like buttons (Button), labels (Label) or tables (Table) etc...

Give some text to the jumbotron (all setters return $this instance, you can operate in chain like Javascript):

$jumbotron->setHeader("Theme example")
    ->setText("This is a template showcasing the optional theme stylesheets included in Bootstrap. Use it as a starting point to create something more unique by building on or modifying it.");

Almost done. Then you need a container to put your jumbotron in:

$container = new Container();

Now we finish it and render the HTML for your results.

$btPalette->render(true); // the argument is for printing out result directly.

To switch to browser and key in the URL where you access your web page to see what does happen. There are bunch of beautiful, disciplined and well-formatted html code generated, and they are Bootstrap!.

My sample code mimics almost all of Bootstrap official guide web-page. This project would wish to keep this rhythm to create more useful Bootstrap model classes, even a full set of Bootstrap theme. You can use them on works directly.

If you like it, check more from the docs. Have a nice day!