
Validation and filtration for values such as form input.

2.0.2 2017-11-25 01:41 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 17:28:15 UTC


A validation component, designed for multi-byte (i.e. Japanese language) support. Features includes, such as:

  • works well with code completion.
  • multiple values combined to a single value (ex: bd_y, bd_m, bd_d to bd).
  • preset order of rules to apply. essential to handle Japanese characters.
  • easy to code logic.


MIT License


PSR-1, PSR-2, and PSR-4.


composer require "wscore/validation": "^2.0"

Basic Usage

factory object

Use ValidationFactory to start validating an array. For instance,

use \WScore\Validation\ValidationFactory;

$factory = new ValidationFactory();    // use English rules and messages.
$factory = new ValidationFactory('ja'); // use Japanese rules and messages.

$input = $factory->on($_POST); // create a validator object. 


a sample code for validating an array,

// set rules for input data. 
$input->set('name')->asText()->required());  // a text
$input->set('type')->asText()->in('old', 'young', 'teenager'); // a selected text
$input->set('age')->asInteger()->range([10, 70]);  // an integer between 10-70

// maybe update rules based on age?
$age = $input->get('age'); 
if ($age > 12) {
} else {
    $input->setValue('type', 'teenager');
// result of validation. 
if ($input->fails()) {
    $messages   = $input->messages(); // get error messages
    $badInputs  = $input->getAll(); // get all the value including invalidated one. 
    $safeInputs = $input->getSafe(); // get only the validated value. 
} else {
    $validatedInputs  = $input->getAll(); // validation success! 
  • set($key) sets validation rules for $key.
  • get($key) returns a validated value, or false if validation fails.
  • getRules($key) returns an existing rules object to modify.
  • fails() or passes() method will evaluate all rules and returns boolean if all validation rules has passed or not.
  • getAll() returns all the value including the invalidated ones, whereas getSafe() returns only the validated values.
  • getMessages() returns all the invalidated error messages.


The rule types are standard rules for the given validation type. Select validation type by as{Type}() after set method,


There are following predefined types that are compatible with HTML5 input types.

  • binary
  • text
  • mail
  • number
  • integer
  • float
  • date
  • datetime
  • month
  • tel

And there are some multiple filed types.

  • dateYMD
  • dateYM
  • dateHis
  • timeHis
  • timeHi

which are defined in Locale/{locale}/validation.types.php file.

validation rules

There are many rules for validations. You can chain them as shown in previous example codes;


Available filters, i.e. that may alter the value:

  • message(string $message): set error message.
  • multiple(array $parameter): set multiple field inputs, such as Y, m, and d.
  • array(): allows array input.
  • noNull(bool $not = true): removes null character.
  • encoding(string $encoding): validates on character encoding (default is UTF-8).
  • mbConvert(string $type): converts kana-set (in Japanese).
    • mbToHankaku(): converts alpha-numeric zenkaku characters to hankaku.
    • mbToZenkaku(): converts alpha-numeric hankaku characters to zenkaku.
    • mbToHankakuKatakana(): converts zenkaku katakana to hankaku.
    • mbToHiragana(): converts katakana to zenkaku hiragana.
    • mbToKatakana(): converts hiragana to zenkaku katakana.
  • trim(bool $trim = true): trims input string.
  • sanitize(string $type): sanitize value.
    • sanitizeMail(): sanitize for mail input.
    • sanitizeFloat(): sanitize for floating number.
    • sanitizeInt(): sanitize for integer number.
    • sanitizeUrl(): sanitize for ULR input.
    • sanitizeString(): sanitize as a string.
  • string(string $type): converts string to upper/lower/etc.
    • strToLower(): converts string to lower letters.
    • strToUpper(): converts string to upper letters.
    • strToCapital(): capitalizes a string.
  • default(string $value): sets default value if not set.

All the verifiers, i.e. check if the value satisfies the requirements:

  • required(bool $required = true): required value
  • requiredIf(string $key, array $in=[]): set required if $key exists (or in $in).
  • loopBreak(bool $break = true): breaks filter loop.
  • code(string $type):
  • maxLength(int $length): maximum character length.
  • pattern(string $reg_expression): preg_match pattern
  • matches(string $match_type): preset regex patterns (number, int, float, code, mail). using matches rules provides more specific error messages compared to patterns rule.
    • matchNumber(): matches for numeric input.
    • matchInteger(): matches for integer input.
    • matchFloat(): matches for floating number input.
    • matchCode(): matches for "[-_0-9a-zA-Z]".
    • matchMail(): matches for simple mail pattern.
  • kanaType(string $match_type): checks kana-type.
    • mbOnlyKatakana(): verifies only zenkaku katakana.
    • mbOnlyHiragana(): verifies only zenkaku hiragana.
    • mbOnlyHankaku(): verifies only hankaku characters (i.e. ASCII).
    • mbOnlyHankakuKatakana(): verifies only hankaku katakana.
  • min(int $min): minimum numeric value.
  • max(int $max): maximum numeric value.
  • range(array $range): range of [min, max].
  • datetime(string|bool $format = true): checks for datetime with format.
  • in(array $choices): checks for list of possible values.
  • inKey(array $choices): checks if the value is defined in as keys (faster than in).
  • confirm(string $key): confirm against another $key.

Advanced Features

validating a list of input

To validate a list of input data, such as checkbox, use array() rules as follows. When the validation fails, it returns the error message as array.

$input->source(array('list' => [ '1', '2', 'bad', '4' ]));
if ($input->fails()) {
    $values = $validation->get('list');
    $goods  = $validation->getSafe();
    $errors = $validation->message();
 * $values = [ '1', '2', '', '4' ];
 * $goods  = array('list' => [ '1', '2', '4' ]);
 * $errors = array('list' => [ 2 => 'required item' ]);

multiple inputs

WScore/Validation can handle separate input fields, such as date, as one input. For instance, date, dateYM, datetime types

$input->source([ 'bd_y' => '2001', 'bd_m' => '09', 'bd_d' => '25' ]);
echo $validation->set('bd')->asDateYMD(); // 2001-09-25

use multiple rules to construct own multiple inputs as,

// for inputs like,
// [ 'ranges_y1' => '2001', 'ranges_m1' => '09', 'ranges_y2' => '2011', 'ranges_m2' => '11' ]
        'suffix' => 'y1,m1,y2,m2',
        'format' => '%04d/%02d - %04d/%02d'
    ->pattern('[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{2} - [0-9]{4}/[0-9]{2}')
    ->message('set year-month range');

where suffix lists the postfix for the inputs, and format is the format string using sprintf.

confirm to compare values

for password or email validation with two input fields to compare each other.

$input->source([ 'text1' => '123ABC', 'text2' => '123abc' ] );
echo $validation->set('text1')
    ->confirm('text2'); // 123abc

Please note that the actual input strings are different. They become identical after lowering the strings.

order of filter

some filter must be applied in certain order...

echo $input->set('ABC')->asText()->pattern('[a-c]*')->string('lower'); // 'abc'
# must lower the string first, then check for pattern...

custom validation

Use a closure as custom validation filter.

 * @param ValueTO $v
$filter = function( $v ) {
    $val = $v->getValue();  // get the value to validate. 
    $val .= ':customized!'; // you can alter the value.
    $v->setValue( $val );   // and reset the value. 
    $v->setError(__METHOD__); // set error if the custome validation fails.
    $v->setMessage('Closure with Error'); // you can set error message as well.
$input->asText('test')->addCustom('myFilter', $filter);

You cannot pass parameter (the closure is the parameter). argument is the ValueTO object which can be used to handle error and messages.

Setting an error to ValueTO will break the filter loop, i.e. no further rules will be evaluated.

setting values and errors

To set a value, or an error to the validator, use setValue and setError methods.

$input->setValue('extra', 'good'); // set some value.
$input->setError('bad', 'why it is bad...');  // set error. 
if ($input->fails()) {
    echo $input->getAll()['extra'];  // 'good' 
    echo $input->getMessages('bad'); // 'why it is bad...'

Setting error will make fails() method to return true.

Modifying Error Messages

To use your own messages, create a directory such as your/path/<locale>, then, create or copy the following files.

  • validation.filters.php
  • validation.messages.php
  • validation.types.php
$factory = new ValidationFactory('locale', 'your/path');
$input = $factory->on($_POST);

The validation.messages.php file contains the default error messages as an array that looks like:

return array(
    // 5. general error message 
    0           => 'invalid input',
    // 4. messages for types
    '_type_'    => [
        'mail'     => 'invalid mail format',
    // 3. specific messages for method
    'encoding'  => 'invalid encoding',
    // 2. message for matches and parameter
    'matches'   => [
        'number' => 'only numbers (0-9)',

whereas the error messages are determined as follows:

  1. message set by message rule,
  2. method and parameter specific message,
  3. method specific message,
  4. type specific message, then,
  5. general message

1. use message rule

use message method to set its message.

echo $input->getMessage('text'); // 'Oops!'

2. method and parameter specific message

some filters, matches and kanaType, has its message based on the parameter.

echo $input->getMessage('int'); // 'not an integer'
echo $input->getMessage('kana'); // 'only in katakana'

3. method specific message

some of the filters, such as required, has filter specific message.

echo $input->getMessage('text'); // 'required item'

4. type specific message

most of the rule types has its own messages.

echo $input->getMessage('date'); // 'invalid date'

5. general message

uses generic message, if all of the above rules fails.

echo $input->getMessage('text'); // 'invalid input'