
Manages the auto-installation of a mu-plugin for a plugin.

0.0.1 2020-06-07 15:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-08 07:45:43 UTC


Code Climate

A class to use in your WordPress plugin to install a MU Plugin auto-magically.


This class takes a file and installs the file in the /mu-plugins/ folder. If the file already exists, it will compare the versions of the file


This isn't a WordPress plugin on its own, so the usual instructions don't apply. Instead you can install manually or using composer.

Manually install class

Copy MuPluginManager/src folder into your plugin for basic usage. Be sure to require the various files accordingly.


Install class via Composer

  1. Tell Composer to install this class as a dependency: composer require wpsmith/mupluginmanager
  2. Recommended: Install the Mozart package: composer require coenjacobs/mozart --dev and configure it.
  3. The class then renamed to use your own prefix to prevent collisions with other plugins bundling this class.

Implementation & Usage

Consider this basic plugin structure with the mu-plugin in its own folder for namespacing purposes:

|-- example.php
|-- includes
    |-- mu-plugin
        |-- example-mu.php

So then you can implement it like this:

use WPS\WP\MuPlugins\MuPluginManager;

 * Gets the MU plugin manager.
function get_muplugin_manager() {
    // Path to the actual MU plugin located within this plugin.
    $src = plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'includes/mu-plugin/my-mu-plugin.php';
    $dest_filename = 'my-mu-plugin.php';
    new MuPluginManager( $src, $dest_filename, '0.0.1', 'my-mu-plugin-settings' );

// Register (de)activation hooks.
register_activation_hook( __FILE__, function() {
    MuPluginManager::on_activation( get_muplugin_manager() );
} );
register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, function() {
    try {
        MuPluginManager::on_deactivation( get_muplugin_manager() );
    } catch ( \Exception $e ) {
        MuPluginManager::write_log( 'MU Plugin threw an error' );
        MuPluginManager::write_log( $e->getMessage() );
} );

Now, for whatever reason, you want to check for the MU plugin on more than just activation or deactivation, the class can run automagically on plugins admin page.

use WPS\WP\MuPlugins\MuPluginManager;

 * Gets the MU plugin manager.
 * @return MuPluginManager MU plugin manager.
function get_muplugin_manager() {
    static $mgr;
    if ( null !== $mgr ) {
        return $mgr;

    // Path to the actual MU plugin located within this plugin.
    $src = plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'mu-plugin/example-mu.php';
    $dest_filename = 'my-mu-plugin.php';
    $mgr = new MuPluginManager( $src, $dest_filename, '0.0.1', 'my-mu-plugin-settings' );
    return $mgr;

add_action( 'plugin_loaded', array( get_muplugin_manager(), 'add_hooks' ) );

Change Log

See the change log.


GPL 2.0 or later.


Contributions are welcome - fork, fix and send pull requests against the master branch please.


Built by Travis Smith
Copyright 2013-2020 Travis Smith