
A WordPress module that makes it easy to add support for post expiration to any post type.


Post Expiration

A WordPress module that makes it easy to add support for post expiration to any post type.


  • PHP 5.4+
  • WordPress 4.5+


Add the module to your code base via Composer

composer require wpscholar/wp-post-expiration


If you are adding the code to a WordPress plugin or theme, there is no initialization step needed. However, if you are adding the code at a higher level in your WordPress project, you will need to call the initialization function on the init hook, like so:

add_action( 'init', 'wpscholar_post_expiration_initialize', 1000 );

Adding Post Type Support

If you are adding support to a pre-existing post type, just add this code:

add_post_type_support( 'post', 'expiration' );

Be sure to replace post with the name of your post type.

Or, in the supports argument when registering a post type, just add 'expiration'.

Available Methods

The following static methods are publicly available:

  • setExpiration( $post_id, $expiration ) - Set expiration for a specific post. Expiration is a Unix timestamp.
  • removeExpiration( $post_id ) - Remove expiration for a specific post.
  • expirePost( $post_id ) - Immediately expire a specific post.
  • expirePosts() - Expire all posts. (Limit 100 per run per post type)