
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Prefixed MPDF library for WP Desk plugins.

This package has no released version yet, and little information is available.


Prefixed mPDF library for Flexible Invoices, Flexible Coupons, Print Orders & Labels

Current version: 8.0.6



namespace MyPluginPrefix;

use WPDesk\Mpdf\Mpdf;
use WPDesk\PDF\ConfigSample;
use WPDesk\PDF\FontsDataSample;

class PDF {

    public function render() {
        $config =  new ConfigSample();
        // Define a temporary path for mPDF.
        // Do not set a directory where other files exist!
        // Otherwise they will be deleted! 
        $config->set_temp_dir( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/temp/' );
        // You can change the dir font by adding another one.
        // If you are changing the directory, move the default fonts into your project.
        $config->set_font_dir( [ dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/fonts/' ] );
        $fonts_data = new FontsDataSample();
        // Adds full font (bold, italic, regular)
        // The first argument is a slug that can be set to CSS, the second argument is the name of the .ttf file.
        $fonts_data->set_font( 'opensans', 'OpenSans' );
        // Adds a font without a bold file.
        $fonts_data->set_font_without_bold( 'rubik', 'Rubik' );
        // Adds a font without a italic file.
        $fonts_data->set_font_without_italic( 'rubik', 'Rubik' );
        // Adds a font without a bold and italic file.
        $fonts_data->set_font_without_bold_italic( 'rubik', 'Rubik' );
        // Set fonts data for mPDF.
        $config->set_font_data( $fonts_data->get()  );
        $mpdf = Mpdf( [ $config->get() ] );
        $mpdf->WriteHTML( '<h1>My PDF</h1>' );
        return $mpdf->Output( '', \WPDesk\Mpdf\Output\Destination::STRING_RETURN 