
An Object-Oriented Wrap for notices displayed near the top of admin pages on WordPress.

dev-master 2017-09-06 05:48 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-20 07:16:10 UTC



An Object-Oriented Wrap for notices displayed near the top of admin pages on WordPress.


composer require wordpruss/notices

Basic usage

Notices are used to show a User some information. They have four types: success, warning, info or error. These messages will be displayed at the top of the WordPress admin area. Notices can be used anywhere in the plugin by referencing Notify

use WordPruss\Notices\Notify;

Notify::error('Test an error notice');
Notify::info('Test an info notice');
Notify::warning('Test a warning notice');
Notify::success('Test a success notice');

// Hook up all the notices