
Text helper based on Yii2 framework

v1.0.40 2020-01-23 16:18 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-01 00:11:39 UTC



composer require "wolverineo250kr/yii2-pevnev-text-helper":"*"


To cut string to required length call in your Yii2 app following php command with following params:

$string - type sting. Text to cut (required).
$length - type integer. Length for a string. (required)
$postfix - type sting. Postfix to put in the end if string.
$encoding - type sting. Encode. Default UTF-8.

\wolverineo250kr\helpers\text\TextHelper::cut($string, $length, $postfix, $encoding);

To convert string call in your Yii2 app following php command with following params:

$string - type sting. Text to cut (required).
$replacement - type sting. Character to replace all spaces. (Default '-')
$lowercase - type boolean. Whether to return the string in lowercase or not. Defaults to true.

\wolverineo250kr\helpers\text\TextHelper::slug($string, $replacement, $lowercase);

To transliterate string call in your Yii2 app following php command with following params:

$string - type sting. Text to cut (required).
$languageFrom - type sting. Language in. (Default 'EN')
$languageTo - type boolean. Language out. (Default 'RU')

Language directions available:
en -> ru
ru -> en

\wolverineo250kr\helpers\text\TextHelper::puntoSwitcher($string, $languageFrom, $languageTo);