wolfpack-it / yii2-glide
Yii2 Glide integration
- php: >=7.2.0
- creocoder/yii2-flysystem: ^1.0.0
- league/glide: ^1.7
- yiisoft/yii2: ~2.0.19
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-15 19:31:19 UTC
This extension provides Glide integration for the Yii2 Framework.
Glide is a package that makes image serving and manipulation really easy. Making use of Flysystem it also abstracts from filesystems.
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
$ composer require wolfpack-it/yii2-glide
or add
"wolfpack-it/yii2-glide": "^<latest version>"
to the require
section of your composer.json
The first step is configuring the filesystems. There can be three:
- The source filesystem (required)
- The cache filesystem (required)
- The watermak filesystem (optional)
Each filesystem can be configured as a component or directly in the container.
Component example:
'components' => [ 'glideSource' => [ 'class' => \creocoder\flysystem\LocalFilesystem::class, 'path' => '</path/to/source-storage>' ], ]
The configured filesystems can then be used in the Glide configuration:
'container' => [ 'definitions' => [ \WolfpackIT\glide\components\Glide::class => [ 'class' => \WolfpackIT\glide\components\Glide::class, 'source' => 'glideSource', // via component 'cache' => [ 'class' => \creocoder\flysystem\LocalFilesystem::class, 'path' => '</path/to/cache-storage>' ], // via configuration 'watermarks' => \creocoder\flysystem\AwsS3Filesystem:class // via container ] ] ]
Controller action
The preferred usage is via an action in the controllers action method:
class GlideController extends yii\web\Controller { /** * @return array */ public function actions(): array { return ArrayHelper::merge( parent::actions(), [ 'index' => [ 'class' => \WolfpackIT\glide\actions\GlideAction::class ] ] ); } }
To protect your server agains attacks trying to resize loads of images it is a good idea to protect the urls. A good package for that is Sam-ITs Url Signer. It signs urls with an expiration and can lock the params if you don't want anyone to change images.
It is not included in the package since it is simple to configure:
Signer configuration
'container' => [ 'definitions' => [ \SamIT\Yii2\UrlSigner\UrlSigner::class => [ 'secret' => '<secret>', ], ] ]
HMAC filter in controller
class GlideController extends yii\web\Controller { /** * @return array */ public function behaviors(): array { return ArrayHelper::merge( [ HmacFilter::class => [ 'class' => HmacFilter::class, 'signer' => \Yii::$container->get(\SamIT\Yii2\UrlSigner\UrlSigner::class) //via Dependancy Injection 'signer' => $this->controller->module->get('<urlSignerComponent>') // via component ] ], parent::behaviors() ); }
Signing urls
$urlSigner = \Yii::createObject(\SamIT\Yii2\UrlSigner\UrlSigner::class); $url = [ '/img/index', // NOTE: This must be the route from the root 'path' => '</path/to/image>' ]; $allowAddition = true; // Whether or not to allow image modifications after url generation $expiration = new DateTime())->add(new DateInterval('P7D')); $urlSigner->signParams( $url, $allowAddition, $expiration ); echo yii\helpers\Url::to($url, true);
Second security approach
The package mentioned above requires an expiration which means that every url will be unique every time you generate it. This causes a problem with client side caching. So another approach has been added which unfortunately is a little less pretty implementation but allows for non expiring links. Look here for more information.
Signer configuration
Make sure the key is secure, since the hashing used is only MD5.
'container' => [ 'definitions' => [ \League\Glide\Signatures\Signature::class => function(\yii\di\Container $container) { return \League\Glide\Signatures\SignatureFactory::create('<secret>'); }, \League\Glide\Urls\UrlBuilder::class => function(\yii\di\Container $container) { return new \League\Glide\Urls\UrlBuilder('', $container->get(\League\Glide\Signatures\Signature::class)); }, ] ]
Signature filter in controller
class GlideController extends yii\web\Controller { /** * @return array */ public function behaviors(): array { return ArrayHelper::merge( [ SignatureFilter::class => [ 'class' => SignatureFilter::class, ] ], parent::behaviors() ); } }
Signing urls
$urlBuilder = \Yii::createObject(\League\Glide\Urls\UrlBuilder::class); $url = [ '/img/index', // NOTE: This must be the route from the root 'path' => '</path/to/image>', ]; $options = [ 'w' => 1000, ]; echo $urlBuilder->getUrl(Url::to($url), $options);
- Add tests
The MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE for more information.