wok / router
WOK Router component
- wok/uri: ^1.0.0
This library provides a leightweight router based on regular expressions.
Diclaimer : This component is part of the WOK (Web Operational Kit) framework. It however can be used as a standalone library.
It is recommanded to install that component as a dependency using Composer :
composer require wok/router
You're also free to get it with git or by direct download while this package has no dependencies.
git clone https://github.com/web-operational-kit/router.git
As any other router, these features are available :
- Routing with a method and a URI (see the usage section)
- Route Parameters replacing and matching
- Manipulating routes definition afterwards
- Retrieving routes meta data independently
- Routes collection manipulation
Note : Some features will not be implemented for now because of the wish of simplicity (and independance) of that library.
This is why the dispatcher does not execute any function. It only returns the first matching route with the information that would be needed.
Make your own opinion :)
Basic usage
use \WOK\Router\Route; use \WOK\Router\Collection; // First instanciate a collection $collection = new Collection(); $collection = new Collection(); $collection->addRoute( new Route( ['POST', 'GET', 'HEAD'],// Define the accepted HTTP methods '/path/to/the/{resource}', // Define the route URI [ // Define the URI parameters 'resource' => '[a-z0-9\-]+' ] ), 'Controller::action', // Define the target (function name, class, object, array, Closure, ...) 'Controller->Action' // Define the route name ); // Define many other routes ... // Retrieve the first matching route try { $route = $collection->match('GET', '/path/to/the/resource-file-name'); } // No route match the current request catch(\DomainException $e) { $route = (object) array( 'name' => 'Controller->pageNotFound', 'action' => ['Controller', 'pageNotFound'], 'parameters' => [] ); } // Play with the route value call_user_func_array($route->action, $route->parameters);
To prevent any borring returned value the Collection::match
throws a DomainException
if no route is found.
That way, feel free to define any not found behavior