TYPO3 utility belt
464 0
calculating the distance between differents points
41 0
Geo-related tools PHP 5.3 library
63 0
Geo-related tools PHP 7.3+ library
8 0
Geocoder Woosmap adapter
6 0
Google Map API v3 integration for PHP 5.3+
3 904 0
Provides a google map integration for your Symfony2 Project.
3 845 0
Lithium data source for use with 'willdurand/geocoder'.
60 2
A quick geocoder for US ZIP codes.
73 1
Bolser Pimcore Library
608 0
Geocoding support for SilverShop.
1 628 6
8 9
A collection of CakePHP Middlewares.
11 4
Geocoder Service Provider for Laravel
1 0
Geocoder GoogleMaps adapter
2 366 0