
PHP library to make getting dates easier when working with recurring tasks.

v2.0.5 2023-01-25 20:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-26 00:15:28 UTC


PHP library to make getting dates easier when working with recurring tasks.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require wilianx7/php-recurring

Basic usage

  • Configuration for every day recurrence ending never:
$recurringConfig = new RecurringConfig();

$recurringConfig->setStartDate(Carbon::create(2019, 12, 26, 8, 0, 0))
    ->setEndDate(Carbon::create(2019, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59));

$datesCollection = RecurringBuilder::forConfig($recurringConfig)->startRecurring();
  • Configuration for weekly recurrence (Monday and Sunday) ending after 5 occurrences:
$recurringConfig = new RecurringConfig();

$recurringConfig->setStartDate(Carbon::create(2019, 1, 1, 8, 0, 0))
    ->setRepeatIn([WeekdayEnum::MONDAY(), WeekdayEnum::SUNDAY()])
    ->setEndDate(Carbon::create(2019, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59));

$datesCollection = RecurringBuilder::forConfig($recurringConfig)->startRecurring();
  • Configuration for monthly recurrence (day 27) ending in 2019-11-30:
$recurringConfig = new RecurringConfig();

$recurringConfig->setStartDate(Carbon::create(2019, 1, 1, 8, 0, 0))
    ->setFrequencyEndValue(Carbon::create(2019, 11, 30))
    ->setEndDate(Carbon::create(2019, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59));

$datesCollection = RecurringBuilder::forConfig($recurringConfig)->startRecurring();
  • Configuration for yearly recurrence (day 27 and month 10) ending never:
$recurringConfig = new RecurringConfig();

$recurringConfig->setStartDate(Carbon::create(2019, 1, 1, 8, 0, 0))
    ->setFrequencyEndValue(Carbon::create(2019, 11, 30))
    ->setRepeatIn(['day' => 27, 'month' => 10])
    ->setEndDate(Carbon::create(2019, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59));

$datesCollection = RecurringBuilder::forConfig($recurringConfig)->startRecurring();

Recurring Config

Attribute Description Default
startDate Date the search will start for find the dates the recurrence should be generated. Start of current year
endDate Date the search for the dates will ended. End of current year
frequencyType How often the recurrence will be generated accord of the enum FrequencyTypeEnum. Can be setted as: DAY, WEEK, MONTH or YEAR. FrequencyTypeEnum::DAY()
frequencyInterval Determines the interval between recurrences according to the chosen frequency type. 1
repeatIn Determines when recurrence should be generated according to the frequency type chosen. Can be setted, for example, as: null (for DAY); [ WeekdayEnum::MONDAY(), WeekdayEnum::SUNDAY() ] (for WEEK); 31 (for MONTH); ['day' => 31, 'month' => 2] (for YEAR)." Null
frequencyEndType Determines what will be the stopping criterion for recurrence generation according of the enum FrequencyEndTypeEnum. Can be setted as: NEVER, IN or AFTER. FrequencyEndTypeEnum::NEVER()
frequencyEndValue Determines a value according to the chosen stop criterion. Can be setted, for example, as: null (for NEVER); 3 (for AFTER); Carbon::now() (for IN). Null
lastRepeatedDate Date the last recurrence was generated. It is used to avoid unnecessary date generation by calling the generation method more than once. Null
repeatedCount How many recurrences have already been generated. It is used to avoid unnecessary date generation by calling the generation method more than once. Null
exceptDates Dates when recurrence should not be generated even if the date conforms to the specified setting. Accepts native array or Laravel Collection. Null
includeStartDate Defines whether the start date should be included in the return array false
  • includeStartDate: By default, the start date is not included in the return array, as it assumes that this date is already in use, requiring only the return of subsequent dates. However, you can override this behavior by setting "includeStartDate" property as true.

Recurring Builder

Method Description Return
forConfig Used to construct the recurrence according to setting passed by parameter. Self
startRecurring Start generating dates for recurrence A collection with all the dates generated


Enum Values
FrequencyEndTypeEnum NEVER, IN, AFTER
FrequencyTypeEnum DAY, WEEK, MONTH, YEAR


./vendor/bin/phpunit (Linux)
.\vendor\bin\phpunit (Windows)