
A simple PHP interface for the Wildlink API (learn more at https://www.wildlink.me/)

1.1.8 2022-04-27 21:29 UTC


PHP client for working with Wildfire/Wildlink APIs. Convert product and brand links into affiliate versions to generate revenue. Learn more at https://www.wildlink.me/

See also:


Installation through Composer is recommended. See the Getting Started guide above if you're new to installing libraries via Composer.

composer require wildlink/wildlink-api-php



// minimum auth, NOTE: this creates a new device
$wfClient = new WildlinkClient($app_id, $secret);

// create a new "session" for a previously created device (fetches a new deviceToken from Wildfire server)
$wfClient = new WildlinkClient($app_id, $secret, $device_key);

// prepare to make a new request with a previously stored device key and device auth token (no Wildfire server hit)
$wfClient = new WildlinkClient($app_id, $secret, $device_key, $device_token);

echo $wfClient->device_key; // Device Key is used for authing the device in the future - it doesn't expire
echo $wfClient->device_id; // Device ID is used for referencing device in reporting data
echo $wfClient->device_token; // Device Token is used for authing device - it expires

Get Specific Merchant(s) Metadata

The getMerchants call can be used to fetch metadata (including images) for a given merchant. This call can take either a single integer or an array of integers.

// single merchant request
$singleMerchant = $wfClient->getMerchantsById(5477615);

// multiple merchant request
$multipleMerchants = $wfClient->getMerchantsById(array(5482877,5478747));

Example return

    [0] => stdClass Object
            [ID] => 5478747
            [Name] => Hotels.com
            [ShortCode] => mPEE27LOAhI
            [ShortURL] => http://wild.link/mPEE27LOAhI
            [Images] => Array
                    [0] => stdClass Object
                            [ID] => 3
                            [Kind] => FEATURED
                            [Ordinal] => 1
                            [ImageID] => 3
                            [URL] => https://images.wildlink.me/wl-image/a3a4df7b12404451fe3f2099122847e5dc3ed6b5.jpeg
                            [Width] => 660
                            [Height] => 380
                    [1] => stdClass Object
                            [ID] => 808
                            [Kind] => LOGO
                            [Ordinal] => 1
                            [ImageID] => 809
                            [URL] => https://images.wildlink.me/wl-image/2fe289045e0794f3bcf7f3ae03d7850f5b51cf6c.jpeg
                            [Width] => 200
                            [Height] => 200
    [1] => stdClass Object
            [ID] => 5482877
            [Name] => Target
            [ShortCode] => mPEE_dLOAhE
            [ShortURL] => http://wild.link/mPEE_dLOAhE
            [Images] => Array
                    [0] => stdClass Object
                            [ID] => 29
                            [Kind] => FEATURED
                            [Ordinal] => 1
                            [ImageID] => 29
                            [URL] => https://images.wildlink.me/wl-image/480b5c95d607854052a9f583c51ee1b8f168e640.jpeg
                            [Width] => 660
                            [Height] => 380
                    [1] => stdClass Object
                            [ID] => 713
                            [Kind] => LOGO
                            [Ordinal] => 10
                            [ImageID] => 714
                            [URL] => https://images.wildlink.me/wl-image/15b28fdfc04006589492a620fca2a4290547b394.jpeg
                            [Width] => 200
                            [Height] => 200

Get Commission Rate Data for a Merchant

The getMerchantCommissionRates call can be used to fetch commission rate information for a given merchant. Some merchants have a single commission rate and others have a segmented series of rates (sometimes by product category, sometimes by other attributes). The commission rate in the return data takes into account your agreed-upon commission split (so you see your commission amount after Wildfire Systems has taken their share). Some commission terms are percentage rates while others are flat amounts. Where there are flat amounts, a currency code will be included. Wildlink doesn't convert currencies in this context at this time. Wildlink always pays out in USD and will convert the currencies before payment is issued to you. When available, a default commission rate will be denoted, but note that not all merchants have a specified default currency.

$singleMerchantCommissionRates = $wfClient->getMerchantCommissionRates(5477615);

Example return

    [0] => stdClass Object
            [ID] => 41
            [Name] => ESR merchant hotel
            [DisplayName] =>
            [Kind] => PERCENTAGE
            [Amount] => 3
            [IsDefault] =>

Get All Merchants (excludes disabled merchants) metadata

$merchantList = new MerchantList($wfClient);
while ($merchant = $merchantList->getCurrentMerchant()){
    if ($merchantList->hasNextMerchant()){
    } else {

Example return

stdClass Object
    [ID] => 5520185
    [Name] => Prioritytireoutlet.com
    [Disabled] =>
    [Featured] =>
    [ShortCode] => 95gFufbQAgQ
    [ShortURL] => http://wild.link/95gFufbQAgQ
    [Images] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [ID] => 3
                    [Kind] => FEATURED
                    [Ordinal] => 1
                    [ImageID] => 3
                    [URL] => https://images.wildlink.me/wl-image/a3a4df7b12404451fe3f2099122847e5dc3ed6b5.jpeg
                    [Width] => 660
                    [Height] => 380
            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [ID] => 808
                    [Kind] => LOGO
                    [Ordinal] => 1
                    [ImageID] => 809
                    [URL] => https://images.wildlink.me/wl-image/2fe289045e0794f3bcf7f3ae03d7850f5b51cf6c.jpeg
                    [Width] => 200
                    [Height] => 200

Get App Commissions Detail List (Across all devices)

When you want to fetch all commissions, across all devices (i.e. for syncing your backend with Wildfire's) you can use this call to get all changes to commission records since a given date.

$allCommissionsSince = $wfClient->getAppCommissionsSince('2018-07-01');

Example return

    [0] => stdClass Object
            [ID] => 4015
            [ApplicationID] => 3
            [MerchantID] => 5478747
            [DeviceKey] => D9F3D3DF-E2C5-43A0-9BA5-5F47EEB964EF
            [SaleAmount] => 319.3
            [Amount] => 0
            [Status] => DISQUALIFIED
            [EventDate] => 2018-02-17T09:07:46Z
            [CreatedDate] => 2018-04-05T20:35:30.710591Z
            [ModifiedDate] => 2018-07-03T23:05:19.385467Z

    [1] => stdClass Object
            [ID] => 4013
            [ApplicationID] => 3
            [MerchantID] => 5478049
            [DeviceKey] => 95276881-d08f-44b3-b871-641485c719a9
            [SaleAmount] => 118.93
            [Amount] => 5.9465
            [Status] => PAID
            [EventDate] => 2018-02-10T01:24:40Z
            [CreatedDate] => 2018-04-05T20:35:29.265713Z
            [ModifiedDate] => 2018-07-03T23:05:19.385467Z

    [2] => stdClass Object
            [ID] => 4010
            [ApplicationID] => 3
            [MerchantID] => 5477615
            [DeviceKey] => 17489795-4a7f-4773-b8d0-5c90d86ce88b
            [SaleAmount] => 6309.95
            [Amount] => 0
            [Status] => DISQUALIFIED
            [EventDate] => 2017-12-21T09:00:00Z
            [CreatedDate] => 2018-04-05T20:35:25.994872Z
            [ModifiedDate] => 2018-07-03T23:05:19.385467Z


The possible values for Status are:

  1. PENDING – This is the default state for a commission record. Wildlink has detected the commission but has not been paid yet. This mostly reflects a return period policy (where a merchant won’t pay a commission until after a return period has passed.
  2. DISQUALIFIED – For specific merchants, some purchases are marked disqualified based on their terms. There are many cases and they vary widely by merchant. Examples of this include Ticketmaster event pre-sales and Apple electronics at most retailers.
  3. READY – Payment has been received by Wildlink from the merchant is available to be paid to the end user or partner company in the next payment cycle. At the time of this writing, payments are made at the beginning of each month.
  4. PAID – Payment has been made to either the individual user or partner company (in the case where the partner is handling payments between Wildlink and the end user).

Alternative Method for Paging Through Commissions

Alternatively to getting back a single array of commissions, you can instead use the CommissionList object to cycle through each record. This has the advantage of having a smaller memory footprint as only a single "page" of results are loaded into memory at any given time. The returned data is the same as the getAppCommissionsSince method call and it takes the same since_modified_date parameter.

use WildlinkApi\CommissionList;

$commissionList = new CommissionList($wfClient, '2018-12-01');

while ($commission = $commissionList->getCurrentCommission()){
    if ($commissionList->hasNextCommission()){
    } else {

Get Commissions Summary

When you want to display a high level summary of the earnings to a user (assuming you are passing compensation along to your end users) you can call getCommissionSummary.

$commissionSummary = $wfClient->getCommissionSummary();

Example return

stdClass Object
    [PendingAmount] => 0.00
    [ReadyAmount] => 0.00
    [PaidAmount] => 0.00

Get Commissions Detail List

If you’re including your end users in Wildlink compensation, you can use this call to fetch a detailed record of every commission that Wildlink is aware of for the client/device (including each commission’s status).

$commissions = $wfClient->getCommissionDetails();

Example return

Array (
    [0] => stdClass Object
        "ID": 7455,
        "CommissionIDs": Array(
        "Date": "2018-09-18T00:00:00Z",
        "Amount": "0.12",
        "Status": "PENDING",
        "Merchant": "AliExpress"
    [1] => stdClass Object
        "ID": 7336,
        "CommissionIDs": Array(
        "Date": "2018-09-05T14:24:28Z",
        "Amount": "0.04",
        "Status": "DISQUALIFIED",
        "Merchant": "DressLily"

Get Click Stats

If appropriate, you can display total clicks for a given device for a time range (by day, month or year). This method takes a start and end date value (the end value is optional).

$clicks = $wfClient->getClickStatsByDay('2018-01-01');

Example return

stdClass Object
   [2018-10-15T00:00:00Z] => 3
   [2018-10-16T00:00:00Z] => 12

Create Vanity URL (i.e. http://wild.link/walmart/abc123)

Convert a URL (to a product page, listing page, etc.) to a wild.link URL with embedded tracking for the authenticated device.

$vanityUrl = $wfClient->getVanityUrl('https://www.walmart.com/ip/VIZIO-24-Class-HD-720P-LED-TV-D24hn-G9/782959488');

Example return

stdClass Object
    [OriginalURL] => https://www.walmart.com/ip/VIZIO-24-Class-HD-720P-LED-TV-D24hn-G9/782959488
    [VanityURL] => http://wild.link/walmart/AMjFBg