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Handle Amazon's Alexa Incoming and Outgoing requests in PHP

This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.

v0.1-RC4 2017-09-07 17:19 UTC


Build Status Coverage Status

Small PHP Library in order to handle incoming and outgoing requests for Amazon's Alexa applications in PHP.


composer require weysan/alexa-request

How to use it

The library is now compatible PSR-7. If you use HttpFoundation, you will need to use the library zendframework/zend-diactoros to convert Request in ServerRequestInterface class.

see the documentation here : http://symfony.com/blog/psr-7-support-in-symfony-is-here

First, you have to create an Intent class which implement Weysan\Alexa\Intents\IntentsInterface. You need to create a method getResponseObject which is returning a Weysan\Alexa\Response\Response instance. You also need to create a method getSessionAttributes which is returning a Weysan\Alexa\Response\SessionAttributes instance.

For example :

namespace My\App;

use Weysan\Alexa\Intents\IntentsInterface;
use Weysan\Alexa\Response\Response;
use Weysan\Alexa\Response\SessionAttributes;

class Joke implements IntentsInterface
     * @return Response
    public function getResponseObject()
        $response = new Response();
            ->setOutput("Here we go! This is a super Joke...");

        return $response;
     * @return SessionAttributes
    public function getSessionAttributes()
        $sessionAttribute = new SessionAttributes();
        $sessionAttribute->addAttribute("my_key", "my_value");
        return $sessionAttribute;

Note : If your Intent needs to access to Slots parameters or sessionAttributes, just add the trait Weysan\Alexa\Helper\AlexaIncomingRequestAwareTrait in your class, you will have access to the current instance of AlexaIncomingRequest

After, Register your intent into Weysan\Alexa\IntentRegistry

use Weysan\Alexa\IntentRegistry;
use My\App\Joke;

IntentRegistry::registerIntentHandler("GetJoke", new Joke());

Warning : The name of the intent (here GetJoke needs to be the same name as you registered in Amazon console).

Create your endpoint using AlexaIncomingRequest and AlexaOutgoingGenerator :

$alexaIncoming = new AlexaIncomingRequest($request);
$alexaOutgoing = new AlexaOutgoingGenerator($alexaIncoming);
print json_encode($alexaOutgoing->getResponse());

Validate the request

You can easily validate the requests from Alexa by Using Weysan\Alexa\ValidateRequest :

use Weysan\Alexa\ValidateRequest;

$validator = new ValidateRequest("appIdFromAmazon");

if ($validator->validateRequest($alexaIncomingRequest)) {
    //do what you want

The validator will check Alexa is requesting an existing Intent, and if your local appId is the same sent by Alexa.