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Simple library for running shell commands from PHP

1.0.0 2019-01-07 04:51 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-07 17:05:19 UTC


Library for running shell commands.

How to install the library

Install the library with composer

composer install wesleywmd/element-shell

How to create a command

Create a simple command with just a string.

$command = $commandFactory->create("ls -al");

Commands can have arguments. Add them via the factory.

$command = $commandFactory->create("ls", ["-al"]);

Or separate method.

$command = $commandFactory->create("ls");

You can define more than one argument with an array.

$command = $commandFactory->create("ls", ["-a", "-l"]);


$command = $commandFactory->create("ls");
$command->addArguments(["-a", "-l"]);

How to get a result object from the cli

Once you have created you command, the next step is to run the command.

$result = $cli->execute($command);

Using the execute() method runs your command and then returns a result object. What happens if we want to be able to interact with our command? Then we need to you the interact() method. This will attach stdin and stdout to the process running the command.

$result = $cli->interact($command);

If you want to specify the directory to be in when running the command, specify it as the second parameter.

$result = $cli->execute($command, "~/path/to/use");

How to use the result object

You get a result object as the return from either the execute() or interact(). Your are able to get a lot of information about the command.
