
PHP Client for Wikidata Entity Suggester

dev-master 2013-05-21 17:56 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-23 02:38:36 UTC


This is the PHP client for the Wikidata Entity Suggester. It uses the Entity Suggester's REST API to push data and get suggestions.

Installation via Composer

The best way to use the library is via Composer.

After you install composer, run in console:

cd your/working/directory
composer require guzzle/guzzle
composer require wes-php-client/wes-php-client

Type 'dev-master' for both, when prompted for the version.


You can manually add the library to your dependencies in the composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "wes-php-client/wes-php-client": "dev-master"

and install your dependencies:

composer install


// Always include this file to use the client

// Instanciate the Myrrix/Entity Suggester service
$wes = new EntitySuggesterService('localhost', 8080);

// Push the data in the file /path/data.csv into the Entity Suggester.
// Please check [this page](https://github.com/nilesh-c/wikidata-entity-suggester/wiki/CSV-file-explanation) for info on how the data should be structured in the CSV file.

// Refresh the index (add newly added data into the model)

// Get value recommendations for a new item
$recommendation = $myrrix->getRecommendation(array(
                                                ), "value"); // returns an array of property-value pairs and strengths (example: [["107----4167410",0.53],["373----Huntsville  Alabama",0.499]])

// Get property recommendations for a new item
$recommendation = $myrrix->getRecommendation(array(
                                                ), "property"); // returns an array of properties and strengths (example: [["25",0.53],["156",0.499]])

// Specify the number of recommendations (optional)
$recommendation = $myrrix->getRecommendation(array(
                                                ), "property", 20); // returns an array of 20 properties with strengths (example: [["25",0.53],["156",0.499]])

See wesTest.php for a crude example/demo. It is temporarily deployed here.