
This package send errors and messages to your telegram group or chat.

v1.0.0 2025-02-21 09:23 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-21 11:10:53 UTC


This package send bugs and messages to your telegram group or chat.

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Install this project with composer

composer require weldon/laravel-telegram-notifier

To control it, create config file

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Weldon\LaravelTelegramNotifier\LaravelTelegramNotifierServiceProvider"

Add your bot token and receiver chat id to .env file.


I recommend that you only use it on production. To do this, change the value of TELEGRAM_NOTIFIER_ENABLED in .env to production.


Custom usage

If you want to send custom message, there is notify function:


use Weldon\LaravelTelegramNotifier\Facades\TelegramNotifier;

TelegramNotifier::notify("There is your text")

Also, there is error function to send handled error:


use Weldon\LaravelTelegramNotifier\Facades\TelegramNotifier;

try {
} catch (Exception $exception) {



There are laravel-telegram-notifier.php in your config folder. If you want to send bag to two or three chat ids you add chat id to chat_ids array of laravel-telegram-notifier.php file.

"chat_ids" => [env("CHAT_ONE_ID"), env("CHAT_TWO_ID"), env("CHAT_THREE_ID")],

Running Tests

To verify that the package is fully installed and working. You can run the command below which will help you create a new dummy error.

php artisan notify:check

In production mode you can load configurations from .env with php artisan config:clear command.