
Laravel package to login users by unique tokens

0.9.1 2021-05-17 09:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-17 16:24:37 UTC


Allows to login an user by an unique token.

Security Concerns: Using tokens for login is a security concern because it’s the equivalent of storing a password in plain text.

Table of Contents


For private and closed applications we created this package to allow users to quickly sign in. For example: We provide updates to users by mail, in this mail we provide a one click login url (with an unique token for each user). The user doesn't have to fill in the login credentials and can quickly see it's private data.


This project uses Laravel 7+ and requires PHP 7.4 as minimum version.

composer require wefabric/token-login

Publish the config and migration:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider='Wefabric\TokenLogin\Providers\ServiceProvider'

Check the configuration (config/token-login.php). By the default the token and expiration will be setup for the default User model. To use it with a custom model change the configuration accordingly. When you are all setup. Run the migration

php artisan migrate


This package adds commands to manage the tokens. By default configuration the user table will contain two new fields ('login_token' and 'login_token_expires_at').


Add the following traits to the user model.

use Wefabric\TokenLogin\Concerns\HasTokenLogin;
use Wefabric\TokenLogin\Concerns\HasTraitsWithCasts;

class User extends Authenticatable
    use HasTokenLogin, HasTraitsWithCasts;

Token creation

After the traits are added, you need to run the following command to generate the tokens and expiration dates.

php artisan token-login:create


When the tokens are created, it is possible to login by the token. The package adds the route /users/token-login by default (to change it, change the 'login_path' variable in the config/token-login.php file). You can do a GET and POST request to login, like the following:


When the token is correct and not expired. The user will be redirected to the default redirect path (see config/token-login.php). You can also specify a redirect as parameter.


Refresh tokens

The token expires after a certain period. To refresh the tokens, you can use the following command.

php artisan token-login:refresh

This will refresh all expired tokens.

Use this command in your scheduler. For example, let it run every five minutes.

Delete expired tokens

To delete all expired tokens run the following command

php artisan token-login:delete-expired

Delete all tokens

To delete all tokens run the following command

php artisan token-login:delete

Exclude users

To exclude users from the token generation, change the following in the config (config/token-login.php)

'not_allowed' => [
    'key' => 'id',
    'items' => [


There is a helper available for using this package.

To check if the token login is enabled:

echo tokenLogin()->enabled();

To retrieve the login url for a specific model:

echo tokenLogin()->loginUrl(User::first(), 'https://site.test/redirect');




Feel free to dive in! Open an issue or submit PRs.



MIT © Wefabric