
A lightweight and extensible command line interface (CLI) for PHP applications.

0.1 2023-02-12 10:58 UTC

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Last update: 2024-05-05 16:29:47 UTC


A simple and flexible console package for PHP that lets you build command-line applications with ease.


The easiest way to install the package is through composer:

composer require weebel/console


To utilize the console kernel, you must have a container class that implements the Psr\Container\ContainerInterface interface. A popular example of this is the Laravel container. Here is a simple usage example of this package using the Laravel container in the main bootstrap executable file in the project (you may name the file as console in the bin directory of your project):

#!/usr/bin/env php

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

$commandContainer = \Weebel\Console\CommandContainer::getInstance();


$container = \Illuminate\Container\Container::getInstance();


In the example above, we first include the autoload file to bring in all the necessary dependencies. Then, we retrieve the CommandContainer instance, and register the ExampleCommand class with it. Finally, we create an instance of the container and pass it to the ConsoleKernelBooter class to start the console application.

Creating Commands

To create a command, extend the Weebel\Console\Command class and add a unique name constant and a description constant for the command. You can also specify the valid options for the command by defining the $validOptions property as an array. Here's an example of a greeting command:

namespace App;

use Weebel\Console\Command;
use Weebel\Console\Concerns\HasClimate;

class GreetingCommand extends Command
    use HasClimate;

    public const NAME = 'app:greeting';
    public const DESCRIPTION = 'Saying good morning in some languages';

    protected array $validOptions = [
        'lang'  => 'Language for greeting | Optional'

    public function __invoke(string $name)
        switch ($this->lang) {
            case 'en':
                $greeting = "Good morning";
            case 'nl':
                $greeting = "Goede morgen";
            case 'de':
                $greeting = "Guten Tag";
                $greeting = "Good morning";
        $this->out("$greeting $name");

After registering your command, you can execute it using the following syntax in the terminal:

bin/console app:greeting John --lang=eng 

Customizing the Console Output

The package provides a HasClimate trait, which can be used to customize the console output. You can use this trait in your commands to add colors, formatting and other customizations to the output. Here are a few examples of how you can use the HasClimate trait to customize the console output:

  • To add colors:
$this->red('This text will be displayed in red');
$this->yellow('This text will be displayed in yellow');
  • To format text:
$this->bold('This text will be displayed in bold');
$this->italic('This text will be displayed in italic');
$this->underline('This text will be displayed underlined'); 
  • To display messages with tabs
$this->tab(2)->out('This message will be displayed with two tabs');
  • To display messages with line breaks
$this->out('This message will be displayed')->br()->out('on a new line');

With the HasClimate trait, you have full control over the way the console output is displayed, allowing you to create visually appealing and easy-to-read outputs.

Extending the functionality

The package provides a way to extend its functionality by allowing you to create listeners for the events it triggers. One such event is the CommandResolved event which is triggered when a command has been resolved from the input. This event provides information about the resolved command and its options.

  • In order to use this functionality you need to pass your EventDispatcher implementation to the kernel booter. Your event dispatcher should implement Psr\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface.

Here is an example of using the popular Symfony event dispatcher in the console kernel:

#!/usr/bin/env php

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher;
use Weebel\Console\CommandContainer;
use Weebel\Console\StandAlone\ConsoleKernelBooter;
use Illuminate\Container\Container;

$commandContainer = CommandContainer::getInstance();

$container = Container::getInstance();

$dispatcher = new EventDispatcher();

ConsoleKernelBooter::start($container, $dispatcher);


Weebel Console is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.