
v1.0.0 2022-04-06 10:23 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-06 17:18:31 UTC


The lib contains the tools for debug. It doesn't have any external dependencies to other libs or frameworks, so it could be used in any project.

It's helpful for me. Hope, it'll be helpful for someone else


Run composer require webxid/debug-helpers

How To Use

Simple data dump

use function WebXID\DebugHelpers\_dump;
use function WebXID\DebugHelpers\__dump;

_dump($data); // To print data dump into a browser
__dump($data); // To print data dump into a command line

Dump a Backtrace

use function WebXID\DebugHelpers\_backtrace;

_backtrace(); // print a Back trace from a script start file to the currecn place

Get Execution time

use function WebXID\DebugHelpers\_trackTime;

_trackTime('track_magic_time'); // start track of `track_magic_time`

// Do a magic

echo _trackTime('track_magic_time'); // print a `track_magic_time` execution time

echo _trackTime(true); // print the all registered time track keys data

Cache a var data

use function WebXID\DebugHelpers\_cachedLog;

$var = 1;
_cachedLog('$var', $var);

$var = 2;
_cachedLog('$var', $var);

$var = 3;
_cachedLog('$var', $var);

// print cached data of the key `$var` 
 * will prints the array
 * [
 *      '$var' => [
 *          1,
 *          2,
 *          3,
 *      ],
 * ]
 print_r(_cachedLog()); // prints all cached data

Dump data into log file

To dump a data into a log file use the next functions

use WebXID\DebugHelpers\Environment;
use function WebXID\DebugHelpers\_log;
use function WebXID\DebugHelpers\_logWithClean; 
use function WebXID\DebugHelpers\_logAndDie;
use function WebXID\DebugHelpers\_logWithCleanAndDie;


_log($data); // Adds Dump of the $data var to the end of log file and continue a script procssing
_logWithClean($data); // Cleaned up the log file, Dumps the $data var and continue a script procssing
_logAndDie($data); // Adds Dump of the $data var to the end of log file and break a script processing
_logWithCleanAndDie($data); // Cleaned up the log file, Adds Dump of the $data var to the end of log file and break a script processing

The log file route: Environment::getRootDir() . '/logs/webxid.log'.

!!! Note !!!

The dir logs has to be readable and writable for the script. Otherwise you will get a permission error.