
v1.0.0-beta.7 2022-03-19 14:20 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-30 00:31:15 UTC



  1. Install the package into your laravel application.

    composer require webscientist/postman-laravel --dev
  2. Publish the config file by using the following command.

    php artisan vendor:publish --tag=postman-laravel
  3. Register the Service Provider in config/app.php

     'providers' => [
  4. Generate a Postman API key and put it in .env (optional)



The following commands can be used to get the Postman Collection

  1. Create Collection on Postman workspace

    php artisan postman:create
    • Use -e for creating environment as well
  2. Export Collection in storage/app/postman/

    php artisan postman:export
    • Use -e for exporting environment file as well

Note: You can use a name argument to define a custom name for Collection/File. If not specified, the APP_NAME will be used from .env


Postman Environment

By default only a single variable of BASE_URL is used in generation of environment file. The same can be added in the environment.variables array.

'variables' => [
        'key' => 'BASE_URL',
        'value' => env('APP_URL', ''),
        'type' => 'default',
        'enabled' => true,
    // Other Variables

The type can be set to 'default' or 'secret'. Secret will hide the value in Postman UI.

Request Grouping

By default the routes are grouped/nested on the basis of route names. That can be set to a custom key BY changing the request.group_by value.

Route Filtering

Any route having a closure will automatically be filtered out.


By default the routes having the api middleware will be included. It can be overridden in the request.inclusion.middleware array.


Certain routes can be excluded by their prefixes by defining them in the request.exclusion.prefix array.


The following Laravel conventions are expected to be followed while building your application to get accurate results in your postman collection.

// WIP