
DROWL Drupal (Base-)Theme based on Radix 6.x.

Installs: 514

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Forks: 0


2.0.0-alpha2 2024-04-24 11:56 UTC



Helpful documentation


  • Follow the Drupal Guidelines: https://www.drupal.org/docs/develop/theming-drupal
  • Use Components (SDC) for all reusable tempalte snippets
  • With Bootstrap as a framework, we have to deal with two different conventions when it comes to CSS class naming. Drupal prefers BEM (https://getbem.com/naming), while Bootstrap uses some kind of OOCSS. We use this to our advantage, and use BEM for our custom page structure and components, so that we can better differentiate them. If it makes sense to use BEM classes next to Bootstrap classes, just do it. Example: 'page__navar navbar' are fine.

Extend Bootstrap



  • btn-width-full: Stretches a button to 100% width (like the old btn-block class)


Body classes

  • current-breakpoint-is-x: Current active breakpoint determined by JS.
  • current-breakpoint-is-smaller-x: If the current breakpoint is smaller brekpoint x.
  • current-breakpoint-is-larger-x: If the current breakpoint is larger brekpoint x.
  • current-vw-is-smaller-container-max: Set if the current viewport width is smaller as the BS .container (max. page width)


Debounce / Throttle


// Example usage:
new ResizeObserver(Drupal.drowl_base.functions.debounce(function(){
  // Do stuff!
}, 600));

Get current Breakpoint

// Returns: Breakpoint Name (string), example: "lg"

Get Scrollbar width

// Returns: Pixel value (decimal), example: 15


Listen to viewport size changes
  (e) => {
    /* … */

SDC Single Directory Components

Component Usage

Basically you have two ways to add a component:


Include a component, and drop some parameters, but dont change its contents.

{% include 'drowl_base:block' with {
  html_tag: 'section',
  block_utility_classes: [


Include a component and change its contents using block overrides.

{% embed 'drowl_base:metaheader' with {
  color: 'light',
  navbar_utility_classes: ['bg-light'],
} %}
  {% block left %}
  {% endblock %}

  {% block right %}
  {% endblock %}
{% endembed %}

Create new Components

Prefer to use drush genrate: drush generate theme:sdc:component

or see: https://www.drupal.org/docs/develop/theming-drupal/using-single-directory-components/creating-a-single-directory-component

Override existing Components

Only themes can override components (modules cannot override). For a theme to override a component, use the replaces key within the mytheme.component.yml file.

Check SDC Docs for details

Override DROWL Base Stylesheets

All stylesheets are written with CSS variables (where possible). So in most cases, you might only need to modify your SASS variables (so your drowl_child.variables.css file is updated).

If you need to modify or remove DROWL Base styles, you could simply remove or override the according Drupal library.



DROWL Base has its own Slick Carousel theme, with various tweaks using CSS Variables.

Configuration variables

  --grid-gutter: var(--bs-grid-gutter);
  --direction-nav-top: calc(50% - (var(--dot-nav-reserved-outer-space) * 0.5));
  --direction-nav-item-width: var(--icon-size-lg);
  --direction-nav-item-height: var(--icon-size-lg);
  --direction-nav-icon-size: var(--icon-size-md);
  --direction-nav-item-bg: var(--bs-light-glass);
  --direction-nav-item-color: var(--bs-dark-glass);
  --direction-nav-item-bg-hover: var(--bs-light);
  --direction-nav-item-color-hover: var(--bs-dark);
  --dot-nav-item-width: var(--icon-size-xs);
  --dot-nav-item-height: var(--icon-size-xs);
  --dot-nav-item-radius: 50%;
  --dot-nav-grid-gutter: .35rem;
  --dot-nav-item-color: var(--bs-light-glass);
  --dot-nav-item-color-hover: var(--bs-primary);
  --dot-nav-item-color-active: var(--bs-white);
  // Dot nav alignment, available options: start, center, end.
  --dot-nav-alignment: center;

Check libraries/slick.scss for more details.

Controls outside

To show direction + dot nav outside the contents, use the class slick-controls-outside on any wrapper, or .slick, slick--controlsoutside right on the .slick wrapper (prefered).

If slick__nav becomes > viewport width, it switches to the style defined by the CSS variable --direction-nav-outside-fallback-behavoir (could be: 'overlay','inset' or 'hide').

Controls inset

To show direction + dot nav outside the contents, while not moving the direction nav outside the container, use the class slick-controls-inset on any wrapper, or .slick, slick--controlsinset right on the .slick wrapper (prefered).

See libraries/slick.scss for details.

Allow Overflow

For slideshows which needs visible overflow (eg: because you have elements with box-shadow inside), you can set slick-allow-overflow on any wrapper. Its very important to set slick-allow-overflow-parent on the section wrapper, to prevent the horizonal overflow. Otherwise the document will become horizontally scrollable.