
Allows setting of php.ini options per controller, per route, and globally in ZF2

dev-master 2014-01-06 02:37 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-07 03:19:56 UTC


Webjawns PHP Configuration (http://webjawns.com) is a Zend Framework 2 module allowing global, per controller, and per route configuration of php.ini options using a standard configuration file. For example, developers can set a global memory limit, while increasing or decreasing it to meet a particular route or controller's requirements. The same applies to any other INI option (e.g. max_execution_time, max_input_vars, etc.).


If the same INI option is defined for a route and controller, as well as globally, the route option takes precedence. If the same INI option is defined globally and for a controller, the controller option takes precedence. The priorities are as follows, with the first position having precedence:

  1. Route
  2. Controller
  3. Global


  1. Install the module via Composer by running:

    php composer.phar require webjawns/webjawns-php-config:dev-master

    or download it directly from GitHub and copy it to your application's module/ directory.

  2. Add the WebjawnsPhpConfig module to the modules section of config/application.config.php.

  3. Create or edit an autoloaded configuration file and customize your php.ini options.

    return array(
        'webjawns_php_config' => array(
            // Whether to throw a RuntimeException if ini_set() returns false
            'throw_exception_on_failure' => true,
            'display_errors'     => '1',
            'date.timezone'      => 'UTC',
            'max_execution_time' => '15',
            'memory_limit'       => '16M',
            'controllers' => array(
                'Application\Controller\Index' => array(
                    'memory_limit' => '64M',
            'routes' => array(
                'home' => array(
                    'memory_limit'       => '32M',
                    'max_execution_time' => '30',