
The Login manages the user login state.

1.1 2020-08-17 10:01 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-17 19:20:48 UTC


68747470733a2f2f696d672e736869656c64732e696f2f7061636b61676973742f6c2f77656269696b2f77656269696b2e737667 68747470733a2f2f696d672e736869656c64732e696f2f62616467652f646570656e64656e636965732d332d627269676874677265656e2e737667


The Login manages the user login state. It supports:

  • permanent login
  • automatic logout
  • login namespaces

Note: This class is meant to be used after the successful user authentication and authorization.


composer require webiik/login


$login = new \Webiik\Login\Login($token, $cookie, $session);

// Log-in the user with id 1

// Check if the user is logged in 
if ($login->isLogged()) {
    echo 'The user id ' . $login->getUserId() . ' is logged.';
} else {
    echo 'The user is not logged.';

// Log the user out


Basic Login


setSessionKey(string $sessionKey): void

setSessionKey() sets the key of login state stored in PHP session. This key holds the uid value. The default value of the key is logged.



setNamespace(string $name): void

setNamespace() sets login namespace. If you want to make the login valid only for the specific part of your app, use the login namespace. Imagine you have a multilingual app and you want to make a separate account for every language - this is the situation when the login namespace can help.



login($uid, bool $permanent = false): void

login() logs the user in. Login() writes login state to PHP session. If permanent login is not set, login is valid until the user closes the browser or the PHP session expires.


  • uid user unique identifier to be stored in PHP session
  • permanent indicates if to use permanent login. Read more in permanent login section.
// Log in the user with id 1
// Permanently log in the user with id 1
$login->login(1, true);

Permanent Login


setPermanentCookieName(string $name): void

setPermanentCookieName() sets the name of cookie where the permanent login information is stored at the users' computer. The default value is PC.



Note: To start using the permanent login, it's required to set permanent login storage.

setPermanentLoginStorage(callable $factory, int $days = 30): void

setPermanentLoginStorage() sets the factory of permanent login storage and the time validity of permanent login data.


  • factory factory creates object implementing StorageInterface
  • days how many days to keep permanent cookie and data in storage when user is not active

Permanent login saves the permanent login data to the user's computer (cookie) and to the server. Storage is here to solve the server part and to make storing data flexible. Out of the box, the Login class comes with the FileStorage, it saves login information to the disk at the server. However, you can write your own storage.

Example of using the file storage:

$login->setPermanentLoginStorage(function () {
    $fs = new \Webiik\Login\Storage\FileStorage();
    $fs->setPath(__DIR__ . '/tmp/permanent');
    return $fs;

Write Custom Storage

You can write your custom storage. Only thing you have to do is to implement StorageInterface.

Login Check


isLogged(): bool

isLogged() checks if user is logged in.

if ($login->isLogged()) {
    echo 'The user id ' . $login->getUserId() . ' is logged.';
} else {
    echo 'The user is not logged.';



logout(): void

logout() logs the user out.



setAutoLogoutTime(int $sec): void

setAutoLogoutTime() sets the time in seconds to auto logout the user on inactivity between two requests. The default value is 0 - no automatic logout. Automatic logout is ignored when user is logged permanently.

// Set the automatic logout after 5 minutes of inactivity between two requests
$login->setAutoLogoutTime(5 * 60);

Warning: Update the time of last user activity with every http request to make auto logout feature working properly.


updateAutoLogoutTs(): void

updateAutoLogoutTs() updates time of last users' activity stored in the session.

// Never call this before isLogged, it would lead 
// to the situation, that the user was never logged out


getLogoutReason(): void

getLogoutReason() returns logout reason.

if ($login->getLogoutReason() == $login::MANUAL) {
    // manual logout
} elseif ($login->getLogoutReason() == $login::AUTO) {
    // auto logout due inactivity
