
Symfony bundle for webfactory/content-mapping.

1.7.0 2024-04-22 12:37 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-22 14:34:45 UTC


Symfony bundle for webfactory/content-mapping. If you configure your Synchronizers as services, you can use the provided console commands to list and start them. This is useful e.g. for cronjobs.


Install the package via composer

composer require webfactory/content-mapping-bundle

and enable the bundle in your app kernel:

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    // ...
    $bundles[] = new Webfactory\ContentMappingBundle\WebfactoryContentMappingBundle();
    // ...


First, register your Synchronizers as a service, e.g. in your services.xml:

<!-- Synchronizer for MyEntity --->
<service class="Webfactory\ContentMapping\Synchronizer">
    <!-- SourceAdapter -->
    <argument type="service">
        <service class="Webfactory\ContentMapping\SourceAdapter\Doctrine\GenericDoctrineSourceAdapter">
            <!-- Doctrine Repository -->
            <argument type="service">
                <service class="MyVendor\MyBundle\Entity\MyEntityRepository" factory-service="doctrine.orm.entity_manager" factory-method="getRepository">
            <!-- Name of the repository method to query -->
            <argument type="string">findForSolrIndex</argument>

    <!-- Mapper -->
    <argument type="service">
        <service class="MyVendor\MyBundle\ContentMapping\MyEntityMapper" />

    <!-- DestinationAdapter -->
    <argument type="service" id="contentmapping.destinationadapter.solarium"/>

    <!-- PSR3-logger -->
    <argument type="service" id="logger" />
    <tag name="monolog.logger" channel="solr" />
    <!-- Tag to mark the service as a Synchronizer -->
    <tag name="contentmapping.synchronizer" objectclass="\JugendFuerEuropa\Bundle\JugendInAktionBundle\Entity\Mitarbeiter" />

<!-- other Synchronizers --->

If you've tagged your service as in the example above, you can use the console command

app/console content-mapping:list-synchronizers

to list your registered synchronizers denoted by their objectclass, and

app/console content-mapping:synchronize

to start them. Use -o objectclass to start only the Synchronizer for the objectclass and -f to force updates in the destination systems even if no changes are detected. Be aware that objectclass is not the name of your entity class you'd like to synchronize, but the value you defined in the service definition (see above). Note that backslashes in your objectclass need to be escaped (with backslashes).

Credits, Copyright and License

This project was started at webfactory GmbH, Bonn.

Copyright 2015-2022 webfactory GmbH, Bonn. Code released under the MIT license.