
Useful Magento Shell Scripts

dev-master 2016-07-05 01:48 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-04 21:08:37 UTC


  1. Update Product Attribute from a CSV File

Usage php updateProductAttribute.php -- [options]
-- attribute <attribute_code> : Attribute Code ( example url_key) - mandatory
-- file <filename.csv> : CSV file name - mandatory
-- store_id <store_id> : Store Id , if not provided added to the default store.
csv file should have sku and the attribute value with header row sku,attribute_code.

  1. Update Category Attributes from a CSV File

Usage: php updateCategoryAttribute.php -- [options]
-- storeId : Store ID - Mandatory
-- file <filename.csv> : CSV file - Mandatory
csv file should have category_id field and any / all of the fields - name, description, meta_title, meta_description.
a header row with field names is a must.