
A JavaScript library for dynamic iframe resizing and communication.

1.0.0 2025-01-16 10:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-16 21:40:41 UTC


A simple JavaScript library for resizing iframes and communicating scroll events to the parent window.


Child (iFrame)


Include the iframe-resizer-child.min.js script in your child iframe HTML:

<script src="dist/iframe-resizer-child.min.js"></script>
  1. Create an instance:
const resizer = window.iFrameResizer.create({
    targetOrigin: 'https://your-parent-domain.com', // **IMPORTANT:** Replace with your parent domain
    resize: true,        // Enable resize events (default: true)
    scroll: true,        // Enable scroll events (default: true)
    log: false           // Enable logging (default: false)

// Alternatively, use onReady callback:
window.iFrameResizer.onReady = (instance) => {
    console.log('iFrameResizer is ready');
    instance.sendMessage('custom-event', { /* your data */ });

const resizer = window.iFrameResizer.create({ /* your options */ });
  • targetOrigin: Crucial for security! Must match the parent window's origin. Do not use * in production.
  • resize: Enables automatic height adjustment based on content changes and window resize events.
  • scroll: Enables sending scroll events (top and left position) to the parent.
  • log: Enables logging within the iframe (for debugging).
  1. Sending custom messages: You can send custom messages to the parent using:
resizer.sendMessage('your-custom-event-type', { /* your data */ });

Parent Window

Class-based Usage

The IFrameResizer class provides a more structured way to manage iframe resizing and scrolling, especially when dealing with multiple iframes or dynamic origins. It offers better organization and encapsulation compared to the native approach.


// Get the iframe element (can be an ID or a selector)
const iframe = document.getElementById('myIframe'); 
// or
const iframe = document.querySelector('.my-iframe-class');

const resizer = new IFrameResizer(iframe, {
    log: true, // Enable logging for debugging
    onResize: (width, height) => {
        console.log(`Iframe resized to: width ${width}, height ${height}`);
         // Apply resizing logic here if needed, e.g.,
        // iframe.style.width = width + 'px';
        // iframe.style.height = height + 'px';
    onScroll: (left, top) => {
        console.log(`Iframe scrolled to: left ${left}, top ${top}`);

// To send a message to the iframe (requires setup in the child iframe's code):
iframe.contentWindow.postMessage({ type: 'myCustomEvent', data: 'Message from parent' }, '*'); // Use a specific targetOrigin for security in production

// Clean up when the resizer is no longer needed (e.g., when the iframe is removed)


  • onResize(width, height): A callback function that is triggered when the iframe's size changes. Receives the new width and height as arguments. Note: Applying the resize to the iframe is the responsibility of this callback.
  • onScroll(left, top): A callback function that is triggered when the iframe is scrolled. Receives the new left and top scroll positions as arguments.
  • log: If set to true, enables logging for debugging purposes.

Best Practices:

  • Multiple Iframes: Create a separate IFrameResizer instance for each iframe you want to manage.
  • Dynamic Origins: Be cautious when using dynamic origins. Validate origins carefully to prevent security risks.
  • Security (XSS Prevention): Always verify the origin of incoming messages to protect against cross-site scripting attacks. Avoid using '*' as the targetOrigin in production. It’s best to set it dynamically, for example, using the referrer.
  • Error Handling: Implement proper error handling for invalid selectors or iframes. Check if the iframe element exists before creating the IFrameResizer instance.
  • Cleanup: Call the destroy() method when the resizer is no longer needed to remove event listeners and prevent memory leaks.

Native Usage

When using the IFrameResizer class, you can directly manage iframes with more control.


// Importing the library (if using a module bundler)
// Import the IFrameResizer class

// Example: Using the IFrameResizer class

const resizer = new IFrameResizer({
    iframeId: 'your-iframe-id', // Replace with your iframe's ID
    targetOrigin: 'https://your-iframe-domain.com', // **IMPORTANT:** Replace with your iframe's origin
    onResize: ({ height, width }) => {
        console.log(`Resized iframe to ${height}px height and ${width}px width`);
    onScroll: ({ top, left }) => {
        console.log(`Iframe scrolled to top: ${top}, left: ${left}`);

// Listen for messages

// Destroy the resizer instance when no longer needed
function cleanup() {
    console.log('Resizer instance destroyed');
  • iframeId: Specifies the iframe's ID when resizing directly with the IFrameResizer class.

  • targetOrigin: For security, explicitly match the iframe's origin.

  • onResize: Optional callback for handling resize events.

  • onScroll: Optional callback for tracking scroll positions.

  • listen(): Starts listening to iframe events using the IFrameResizer class.

  • destroy(): Properly cleans up listeners and instance when done, using the IFrameResizer class.

Add support for handling width adjustments and optional onResize callbacks using the IFrameResizer class.

  1. Listen for messages:
window.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
    // Security check: verify origin
    if (event.origin !== 'https://your-iframe-domain.com') { // Replace with your iframe domain

    switch (event.data.type) {
        case 'resize':
            // Adjust iframe height and width
            const iframe = document.getElementById('your-iframe-id'); // Replace with your iframe's ID
            iframe.style.height = event.data.height + 'px';
            iframe.style.width = event.data.width ? event.data.width + 'px' : iframe.style.width;
        case 'scroll':
            // Handle scroll position
            console.log('Scroll:', event.data.top, event.data.left);
        case 'your-custom-event-type':
            // Handle your custom event or resize callback
            console.log('Custom Event:', event.data);
  • Security Check: Essential! Always verify the event.origin to prevent cross-site scripting attacks.
  • Dynamic Origin Handling: If working with multiple origins, maintain a whitelist of trusted origins or dynamically match as needed.
  • Handling Messages: Use a switch statement to handle different message types.
  1. Custom onResize Callback: Add an optional custom callback for resize actions:
window.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
    // Add this within the switch statement's resize case
    if (typeof onResizeCallback === 'function') {
        onResizeCallback({ height: event.data.height, width: event.data.width });


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request.