
Email Verification Utility

dev-master 2016-05-04 08:36 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-28 18:58:45 UTC


Add "wearedevelopers/email-verification-utility": "dev-master" to the require block of your composer.json file and run $ composer install or $ composer update


Add the following to your use block:

use \WeAreDevelopers\Utils\Email;

Where you want verify an email address run the following, where $toEmail is the email address being validated and $fromEmail is an email address that you know exists, ideally one related to the project:

Email::exists($toEmail, $fromEmail);

To block addresses that cannot be reliably verified, ie. yahoo.com email addresses, set the strict parameter to true:

Email:exists($toEmail, $fromEmail, true);

To change the expected status codes from the mail exchange servers, eg. from 250 to 220:

Email::exists($toEmail, $fromEmail, false, ['220']);

Note: the status code is used in a regex (/^$code/i), thus if your status code is 22, it would match 22 & 220. To address this you could either add a trailing space, or extra symbols, eg. '22\b'

Finally there is the $getDetails parameter, which changes the response to a stdClass object, with valid and details properties, where valid is a boolean, and details is an array of the responses from the mail exchange server, or any points of failure along the way:

Email::exists($toEmail, $fromEmail, false, ['250'], true);