
An helper component for Wordpress plugin development

dev-master 2017-09-28 09:33 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 00:39:01 UTC


Plugins Framework component is an set of tools and extensible classes to help WordPress plugins developers.

It supports a "convention over configuration" principle to keep the environment clean and maintainable.

Getting started

You start the development of a new plugin either by extending BasePlugin or TemplatePlugin.

The latter makes available a set of methods to add theme-overridable templates to the plugin.

Simple plugin

You can check out here a barebone plugin.

BasePlugin takes care of:

  • Initializing useful vars like plugin_dir, plugin_path, plugin_relative_dir, ect...
  • Setting up the localization domain
  • Linking together a standard "convention over configuration" structure (see below)
  • Storing actions and filters added by plugin

And provides a number of useful functions:

  • A complete caching mechanism based on transients
  • The ability to setup a custom update server
  • and much more...

Plugin directories structure

WBF Plugin Framework supports an arbitrary standardized structure to enhance plugins maintainability.

The most basic plugin structure is the shown below:


If you want to split the code for the frontend from the code for the dashboard, you can use a structure like this:


The framework automatically recognizes the structure and links Plugin, Admin and Frontend class instances together.

The Loader instance within Plugin will receive a reference to both Frontend and Admin, and those instances will receive a reference to Plugin in their constructors.

A practical example can be found here.

If you have a complex plugin with many classes and files, you can choose to further split the structure:


An example can be found here.

Template plugin

Plugins that extends TemplatePlugin can inject their template into Wordpress "template_include" mechanism.

Register common templates

You can add a common wordpress template (selectable through admin dashboard) with:

$this->add_template("Custom Page Template",$this->get_src_dir()."/templates/custom-page-template.php");

Register hierarchy templates

The hierarchy templates are loaded automatically. During 'init' the framework register any templates (not previously registered) under /src/templates as hierarchy template. Then during 'template_include' it will serve any registered templates not overridden by the theme from the plugin directory.

You can manually register hierarchy template with:

$this->add_hierarchy_template("single-sample-post-type.php", $this->get_src_dir()."/custom_hierarchy_templates/single-sample-post-type.php");

An example con be found here.

More features

Using built-in cache mechanism

BasePlugin has a built-in caching feature based on transients which allows to easily organize them in groups and nodes.

The two main methods are: maybe_set_transient(<transient_name>) and maybe_get_transient(<transient_name>).

Any transient name added with set method will be prefixed with plugin name, for example, given "sample-plugin" as plugin name: maybe_set_transient("posts") will create a transient named: sample-plugin[posts]; "posts" will become a new "node type".

You can create node part by putting a colon between the node type name and the node part id. For example, let's say you have a gallery post type, and you want to cache the images in each gallery: you can achieve that with something similiar to:

//Somewhere in plugin:
$this->loader->add_action("save_post", $this, "cache_my_images")

//Somewhere else:
public function cache_my_images($post_id){
    //Checking... checking....

Then you can selectively retrieve or delete the cache. For example:

//Delete the cache for the gallery with ID 12

//Delete the caches for all galleries

//Delete all transients

Adding custom links for the plugin in Wordpress plugins list

From constructor of the class that extends BasePlugin:

        'name' => "New link"
        'link' => "/path/to/link"
    //more links

Setting up an update server

From the constructor of the class that extends BasePlugin: [...]


Endpoint must be compatible with CustomUpdater WBF component.

For more info about CustomUpdater WBF component: click here.

Register a license

From the constructor of the class that extends BasePlugin:

$license = new \My\License("my-license"); //a class which extends \WBF\components\license\License and implements \WBF\components\license\Licence_Interface

You can also link a license to the custom updater (the update will be blocked with invalid licenses)

$license = new \My\License("my-license");

For more info about License WBF component: click here.