
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the rtens/domin package instead.

Administration interface based using the Command Object Pattern

dev-master 2015-07-20 16:07 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-02-01 12:41:16 UTC


This project was replaced by rtens/domin and will no longer be maintained.


Administration interface using the Command Object pattern.

For a detailed overview of qrator's features and API, check out its executable documentation.


The project completely functional but still under heavy development which is driven by a project I'm currently working on. Once I deem qrator as stable enough I'll tag a release and provide some documentation on how to use it.

Until then check out the Demo project.

The Why

A couple of weeks ago a client asked me to find a general purpose administration interface that could be used for several projects. But I couldn't find a single one that wouldn't just bypass my application and domain layers completely and talk directly to the storage system.

So I started designing an admin interface that was compatible with Domain-Driven Design and hence could also manage entities in projects that implemented Command/Query Segregation or Event Sourcing. Born was qrator.


These are the building blocks and their meanings in qrator.


An entity is any class that represents a part of your system whose state you would like to manage. Its properties are derived from the instance variables, getter and setter methods, and displayed whenever one or several entities is the result of an action.


Actions are something you can do with an entity. They are always attached to some entity and displayed whenever the entity is displayed. If an action returns something, it is displayed as the query's result.

Usually, an action either changes the state of an entity and returns nothing (i.e. Command) or returns one or several entities but changes no state (i.e. Query).

Actions can have properties as well which are rendered as form fields for the user to fill out if necessary.


Since Entities and Actions belong to the Domain layer and are thus independent of qrator, EntityRepresenters and ActionRepresenters bind them together. It knows what Actions belong to what Entities, how to instantiate and execute them, how to print them and so on.


The RepresenterRegistry knows what Representers represent which class of the Domain layer. It is the single place for the whole qrator configuration.