
Dynamic form builder is a full module to inject new attributes to any model you want, and you can manipulate this new attributes in the backend, and many other features.

dev-master 2018-02-14 11:24 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-20 14:05:29 UTC


Dynamic form builder is a full module to inject new attributes to any model you want, and you can manipulate this new attributes in the backend, and many other features.

  • add server/client side validations
  • determine searchable attributes
  • select the desired widget or input to be displayed in the form or search
  • easy to search


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist wardany/dynamic-form-builder "*"

or add

"wardany/dynamic-form-builder": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.

run migration

php yii migrate --migrationPath=@wardany/dform/migrations

add to your backend/config

'modules' => [
        'dynamic_form_builder' => [
            'class' => 'wardany\dform\DynamicFormBuilder',

now you can start add forms by going to the link /dynamic_form_builder/forms/index.

Create models

to start use the form builder, for example you need to add attributes to the model Post

  • first create values table eg. 'posts_values', this table must contains the following columns: -- input_id (integer) // you may need to create foreign key to the table 'dynamic_form_inputs' -- value (text / json)
  • add relation to the Post model :
    public function getValues(){
        return $this->hasMany(\wardany\dform\models\DynamicForm::className(), ['id' => 'input_id'])
            ->viaTable('post_values', ['post_id'=> 'id']);
  • add DynamicFormBuilderBehavior to the Model
      public function behaviors() {
  • in the form page call the form drower widget
    <?= wardany\dform\widgets\InputViewerWidget::widget(['model'=> $model, 'form'=> $form]) ?>
  • add DynamicFormSearchBehavior to the search model
      public function behaviors() {
                    'class'=> \wardany\dform\behaviors\DynamicFormSearchBehavior::className(),
                    'values_table'=> PostValues::tableName(),
                    'relation_input'=> 'post_id'
  • in the form page call the form drower widget
    <?= wardany\dform\widgets\SearchViewerWidget::widget(['model'=> $model, 'form'=> $form]) ?>