
PHP SDK Client for wappi.co

0.2.2 2024-04-24 23:46 UTC



composer require wappico/wappi-php-client

You may only contact people on WhatsApp if: (a) they have given you their mobile phone number; and (b) you have received opt-in permission from the recipient confirming that they wish to receive subsequent messages from you on WhatsApp

  • The opt-in must (a) clearly state that the person is opting in to receive messages from you over WhatsApp and (b) clearly state your business' name.
  • You are solely responsible for determining the method of opt-in, that you have obtained opt-in in a manner that complies with laws applicable to your communications, and that you have otherwise provided notices and obtained permissions that are required under applicable law.
  • To help ensure a strong user experience, review the best practices suggested below. https://business.whatsapp.com/policy#best_practices_for_optin
$whatsapp = new \Wappi\Client\Strategies\Whatsapp(apiKey: '')


Send messages to one phone number

$whatsapp = new \Wappi\Client\Strategies\Whatsapp(apiKey: '')


    \Wappi\Client\Message\Message::create(["text" => "¡Hi there!"]),
    \Wappi\Client\Message\Image::create(["url" => "https://wappi.co/image.png", "text" => "¡Hi there!"]),

Interactive list

$whatsapp = new \Wappi\Client\Strategies\Whatsapp(apiKey: '',);

$optionA = \Wappi\Client\Message\InteractiveListSectionOption::create([
    "id" => "optionA",
    "title" => "title a",
    "description" => "description a",

$optionB = \Wappi\Client\Message\InteractiveListSectionOption::create([
    "id" => 123,
    "title" => "title b",
    "description" => "description b",

$optionC = \Wappi\Client\Message\InteractiveListSectionOption::create([
    "id" => "optionA123",
    "title" => "title c",
    "description" => "description c",

$sections = [
        "title" => "First section",
        "description" => "some a",
        "options" => [
        "title" => "Second section",
        "description" => "some b",
        "options" => [
            $optionB, $optionC,

    "id" => 1111,
    "title" => "demo",
    "text" => "some description",
    "buttonTitle" => "Menú",
    "sections" => $sections

Interactive options

$whatsapp = \Wappi\Client\Message\InteractiveText::create([
    "id" => "",
    "header" => "",
    "text" => "",
    "footer" => "",
    "options" => [
            "id" => "foo",
            "text" => "bar"
            "id" => "foo2",
            "text" => "bar2"
            "id" => "foo3",
            "text" => "bar3"


$whatsapp = \Wappi\Client\Message\Contact::create([
    "name" => \Wappi\Client\Message\ContactName::create([
        "firstName" => "Dev",
        "lastName" => "Support",
        "formattedName" => "Dev Support",
    "org" => [
            "company" => "Meta Inc.",
    "emails" => [
            "email" => "example@gmail.com",
            "type" => "WORK",
    "phones" => [
            "phone" => "7738305433",
            "type" => "Mobile",
    "addresses" => [
            "city" => "Menlo Park",
            "country" => "United States",
            "countryCode" => "us",
            "state" => "CA",
            "street" => "1 Hacker Way",
            "type" => "HOME",
            "zip" => "94025",
            "city" => "Menlo Park",
            "country" => "United States",
            "countryCode" => "us",
            "state" => "CA",
            "street" => "200 Jefferson Dr",
            "type" => "WORK",
            "zip" => "94025",
    "urls" => [
            "url" => "https://www.facebook.com",
            "type" => "WORK",