
Generate beautiful API documentation from your Laravel application

v0.1 2023-05-09 07:47 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-29 13:44:16 UTC


tips:继续采用request文件的验证规则作为bodyParameters mpociot/laravel-apidoc-generator已经放弃该做法


  • 生成collection_swagger.json 需要加 --swaggerCollection 参数


  • request相关的参数都在request验证类中体现,需要继承Mpociot\ApiDoc\Request\BaseRequest

namespace Mpociot\ApiDoc\Request;

use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest;

 * Class    BaseRequest
 * describe:
 * ===========================================
 * Copyright  2020/9/28 2:25 下午
 * @resource  BaseRequest
 * @license   MIT
 * @package   Mpociot\ApiDoc\Request
 * @author    Mz
abstract class BaseRequest extends FormRequest implements RequestInterface

namespace Mpociot\ApiDoc\Request;

interface RequestInterface

     * 路由验证规则
     * tips: 生成文档时required|sometimes|regex等规则会被屏蔽掉,原因是:需要以路由参数为准
     * @return array
    public function routeRules(): array;

     * header验证规则
     * @return array
    public function headerRules(): array;

     * getSwaggerContentType
     * 默认值:application/json
     * @return string
    public function getSwaggerContentType(): string;

  • 规则校验新增 describe 规则
public function rules()
        return [
            'file' => 'required|file|describe:这里写描述.',


  • 如果字段中文名能作为描述:上述规则也可以使用laravel验证类的attributes()方法

namespace App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Requests;

use SalesTenant\Commons\Requests\Request;

 * Class    UserIndexRequest
 * describe:用户管理列表的验证码类
 * ===========================================
 * Copyright  2020/9/27 4:11 下午
 * @resource  UserIndexRequest
 * @license   MIT
 * @package   App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Requests
 * @author    Mz
class UserIndexRequest extends Request
     * Determine if the user is authorized to make this request.
     * @return bool
    public function authorize()
        return true;

     * 获取已定义验证规则的错误消息。
     * @return array
    public function messages()
        return [
            'regex' => ':attribute格式不正确.',
            'string' => ':attribute为字符串.',
            'integer' => ':attribute为数字,',
            'in' => ':attribute只能是:values其中之一.',

     * attributes
     * @return array
    public function attributes()
        return [
            'keyword' => '关键字',
            'name' => '用户姓名',
            'mobile' => '手机',
            'email' => '邮箱',
            'is_admin' => '搜索管理员'

     * 请求体验证规则
     * @return array
    public function rules(): array
        return [
            'keyword' => 'sometimes|regex:/^[0-9]+$/|describe:搜索:姓名、邮箱、手机等字段.',
            'name' => 'sometimes|describe:搜索姓名',
            'mobile' => 'sometimes|describe:搜索手机',
            'email' => 'sometimes|describe:搜索邮箱',
            'is_admin' => 'sometimes|integer|in:0,1|describe:搜索是否是管理员',

     * 路由验证规则
     * tips: 生成文档时required|sometimes|regex等规则会被屏蔽掉,原因是:需要以路由参数为准
     * @return array
    public function routeRules(): array
        return [
            'limit' => "integer|describe:每页条数",
            'page' => "integer|describe:当前分页",
            'sort' => "string|describe:排序字段",
            'order' => "string|in:DESC,ASC|describe:排序字段",
    public function headerRules(): array
        return [
            'Content-Type' => "required|string|describe:媒体",
            'Cookie' => 'required|string|describe:登录时需要的cookie.',



  • 使用@responseTransformer标签 写 response
     * 后台日志列表
     * describe:后台日志管理列表
     * @responseTransformer App\Transformers\Admin\Log\IndexTransformer
     * @param LogIndexRequest $request
     * @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse
     * @throws \Exception
    public function index(LogIndexRequest $request)
        $data = app(AdminOperate::class)->search($request->all(),
            [$this->routeParam['sort'] => $this->routeParam['order']],
        return $this->paginate($data);

namespace App\Transformers\Admin\Log;

use Mpociot\ApiDoc\Transformer\BaseTransformer;

 * Class    IndexTransformer
 * describe:
 * ===========================================
 * Copyright  2020/9/27 3:21 下午
 * @resource  IndexTransformer
 * @license   MIT
 * @package   App\Transformers\Admin\Log
 * @author    Mz
class IndexTransformer extends BaseTransformer
     * 该转换器中字段可能涉及到的表
     * 如果为空,则会取整个库
     * @var array
    protected $tables = [];

     * 自定义字段注释
     * 当然你也可以通过 config('apidoc.columnComments') 去设置一些通用的字段注释
     * 优先级为:1:配置config('apidoc.columnComments');2:属性$columnComments;3:$tables设置的表字段注释;4:整个库
     * @var array
    protected $columnComments = [];

     * response
     * describe:
     * @return mixed
    public function response()
        $res = <<<RES
{"totalPages":147,"totalCount":1462,"page":1,"limit":10,"count":10,"firstPage":true,"lastPage":false,"hasPrePage":false,"hasNextPage":true,"prePage":0,"nextPage":2,"items":[{"id":77392,"user_id":"0","operator":"\u7ba1\u7406\u5458","url":"\/api\/sales\/tenant\/shop\/config","method":"POST","request_data":"{\"shop_tenant_id\":\"98\",\"shop_config\":{\"hash_key\":\"kjN3S3r7yahJZ6wna7DRXZj48RTBXjDF2\"}}","md5":"31c51ede3ddb7fcc924075207e99d7f4","created_at":"2020-09-10 16:27:29","updated_at":"2020-09-10 16:27:29","deleted_at":null},{"id":77391,"user_id":"0","operator":"\u7ba1\u7406\u5458","url":"\/api\/sales\/tenant\/shop","method":"POST","request_data":"{\"source\":\"LWJ_SHOP\",\"name\":\"ddd\",\"tenant_code\":\"TEST08\"}","md5":"f9ff4d0215029eb40eae00224b3e8d09","created_at":"2020-09-10 16:27:21","updated_at":"2020-09-10 16:27:21","deleted_at":null},{"id":77390,"user_id":"0","operator":"\u7ba1\u7406\u5458","url":"\/api\/permission\/bindMenus","method":"PUT","request_data":"{\"id\":1,\"menuIds\":[]}","md5":"5c383d10b3f73a2da30603f584b72497","created_at":"2020-09-08 14:49:14","updated_at":"2020-09-08 14:49:14","deleted_at":null},{"id":77389,"user_id":"0","operator":"\u7ba1\u7406\u5458","url":"\/api\/sales\/user","method":"POST","request_data":"{\"mobile\":\"15982476445\"}","md5":"36e3471db1127c6d8c2b4b06a3b9a9f6","created_at":"2020-09-08 14:49:08","updated_at":"2020-09-08 14:49:08","deleted_at":null},{"id":77388,"user_id":"0","operator":"\u7ba1\u7406\u5458","url":"\/api\/sales\/user\/superAdmin","method":"POST","request_data":"{\"id\":\"e6b1934bddf84733bf1bb417b976105c\",\"is_admin\":0}","md5":"f0297ef6039e9a22aab17a86c9a4d1fa","created_at":"2020-09-08 14:49:05","updated_at":"2020-09-08 14:49:05","deleted_at":null},{"id":77387,"user_id":"0","operator":"\u7ba1\u7406\u5458","url":"\/api\/sales\/config","method":"PUT","request_data":"{\"sales_domain\":\"https:\/\/\",\"sales_oauth_client_id\":\"7aa8ca910e4e4726bb2afbeda283bdd1\",\"sales_oauth_client_secret\":\"ML8PQYRO\",\"sales_oauth_scope\":\"trust\",\"sales_sync\":\"1\",\"recipients\":\"|||\",\"auto_retry_num\":\"5\"}","md5":"cd218015991a981232778df7d0c73688","created_at":"2020-09-08 14:48:46","updated_at":"2020-09-08 14:48:46","deleted_at":null},{"id":77386,"user_id":"0","operator":"\u7ba1\u7406\u5458","url":"\/api\/sales\/tenant\/import\/order","method":"POST","request_data":"{\"limit\":10,\"page\":1,\"tenant_code\":\"DSFPTCLOUD\",\"tenant_id\":123,\"sales_user_id\":\"ganwang0001\",\"mobile\":\"15777779003\",\"store_code\":\"AA0BBB76\",\"file\":\"\/upload\/templates\/1a5bed584172272a6438cecb49d4f20e.xlsx\",\"pwd\":\"UDlaV2FFUTlvcllWS0ZTWGs1TzQ5dz09\"}","md5":"cdd32781477204750eced9f3d43cfa93","created_at":"2020-09-08 14:48:30","updated_at":"2020-09-08 14:48:30","deleted_at":null},{"id":77385,"user_id":"0","operator":"\u7ba1\u7406\u5458","url":"\/api\/sales\/tenant\/import\/order","method":"POST","request_data":"{\"limit\":10,\"page\":1,\"tenant_code\":\"DSFPTCLOUD\",\"tenant_id\":123,\"sales_user_id\":\"ganwang0001\",\"mobile\":\"15777779003\",\"store_code\":\"AA0BBB76\",\"file\":\"\/upload\/templates\/1a5bed584172272a6438cecb49d4f20e.xlsx\",\"pwd\":\"UDlaV2FFUTlvcllWS0ZTWGs1TzQ5dz09\"}","md5":"cdd32781477204750eced9f3d43cfa93","created_at":"2020-09-08 14:47:26","updated_at":"2020-09-08 14:47:26","deleted_at":null},{"id":77384,"user_id":"0","operator":"\u7ba1\u7406\u5458","url":"\/api\/sales\/attachment\/excel","method":"POST","request_data":"{\"rename\":\"1\",\"type\":\"local\",\"folder\":\"templates\",\"file\":{}}","md5":"c6f4002c95f062961198cab600c3e861","created_at":"2020-09-08 14:47:24","updated_at":"2020-09-08 14:47:24","deleted_at":null},{"id":77383,"user_id":"0","operator":"\u7ba1\u7406\u5458","url":"\/api\/sales\/tenant\/import\/order","method":"POST","request_data":"{\"limit\":10,\"page\":1,\"tenant_code\":\"TEST06_710\",\"tenant_id\":184,\"sales_user_id\":\"ganwang0001\",\"mobile\":\"13800008989\",\"store_code\":\"HTQXL01\",\"file\":\"\/upload\/templates\/1a5bed584172272a6438cecb49d4f20e.xlsx\",\"pwd\":\"UDlaV2FFUTlvcllWS0ZTWGs1TzQ5dz09\"}","md5":"6dfde587d7b12ee5db01885a691f3a08","created_at":"2020-09-08 14:46:58","updated_at":"2020-09-08 14:46:58","deleted_at":null}]}
        return json_decode($res);



  • 为自己添加一些 Live Templates
命令	注释

@help	查看帮助   
@dt	data types(不清楚有哪些数据类型,参考)

  • 修改 PHP Class Doc Comment
 * Class    ${NAME}
 * describe:
 * ===========================================
 * Copyright  ${DATE} ${TIME}
 * @resource  ${NAME}
 * @license   MIT
 * @package   ${NAMESPACE}
 * @author    Mz
 `@resource` 加上可以为接口分组

Laravel API Documentation Generator

Automatically generate your API documentation from your existing Laravel routes. Take a look at the example documentation.

php artisan api:gen --routePrefix="settings/api/*"

image image Scrutinizer Code Quality Build Status StyleCI Dependency Status


你可以通过vcs的方式安装: 在composer.json中添加 repositories 属性

"repositories": [
    "type": "vcs",
    "url": ""


"require-dev": {
    "mpociot/laravel-apidoc-generator": "dev-master"


Require this package with composer using the following command:

$ composer require mpociot/laravel-apidoc-generator

Using Laravel < 5.5? Go to your config/app.php and add the service provider:


Using Laravel < 5.4? Use version 1.0! For Laravel 5.4 and up, use 2.0 instead.


To generate your API documentation, use the api:generate artisan command.

$ php artisan api:generate --routePrefix="api/v1/*"

This command will scan your applications routes for the URIs matching api/v1/* and will parse these controller methods and form requests. For example:

// API Group Routes
Route::group(array('prefix' => 'api/v1', 'middleware' => []), function () {
	// Custom route added to standard Resource
	Route::get('example/foo', 'ExampleController@foo');
	// Standard Resource route
	Route::resource('example', 'ExampleController');

Available command options:

Publish rule descriptions for customisation or translation.

By default, this package returns the descriptions in english. You can publish the packages language files, to customise and translate the documentation output.

$ php artisan vendor:publish

After the files are published you can customise or translate the descriptions in the language you want by renaming the en folder and editing the files in public/vendor/apidoc/resources/lang.

How does it work?

This package uses these resources to generate the API documentation:

Controller doc block

This package uses the HTTP controller doc blocks to create a table of contents and show descriptions for your API methods.

Using @resource in a doc block prior to each controller is useful as it creates a Group within the API documentation for all methods defined in that controller (rather than listing every method in a single list for all your controllers), but using @resource is not required. The short description after the @resource should be unique to allow anchor tags to navigate to this section. A longer description can be included below.

Above each method within the controller you wish to include in your API documentation you should have a doc block. This should include a unique short description as the first entry. An optional second entry can be added with further information. Both descriptions will appear in the API documentation in a different format as shown below.

 * @resource Example
 * Longer description
class ExampleController extends Controller {

	 * This is the short description [and should be unique as anchor tags link to this in navigation menu]
	 * This can be an optional longer description of your API call, used within the documentation.
	 public function foo(){



Doc block result

Form request validation rules

To display a list of valid parameters, your API methods accepts, this package uses Laravels Form Requests Validation.

public function rules()
    return [
        'title' => 'required|max:255',
        'body' => 'required',
        'type' => 'in:foo,bar',
        'thumbnail' => 'required_if:type,foo|image',

Result: Form Request

Controller method doc block

It is possible to override the results for the response. This will also show the responses for other request methods then GET.


With the transformer you can define the transformer that is used for the result of the method. It will try the next parts to get a result if it can find the transformer. The first successfull will be used.

  1. Check if there is a transformermodel tag to define the model
  2. Get a model from the modelfactory
  3. If the parameter is a Eloquent model it will load the first from the database.
  4. A new instance from the class
 * @transformer \Mpociot\ApiDoc\Tests\Fixtures\TestTransformer
public function transformerTag()
    return '';


This is the same idea as the @tranformer tag with one different, instead of the return of an item, it will generate the return of a set with two items

 * @transformercollection \Mpociot\ApiDoc\Tests\Fixtures\TestTransformer
public function transformerCollectionTag()
    return '';


The @transformermodel tag is needed for PHP 5.* to get the model. For PHP 7 is it optional to specify the model that is used for the transformer.


If you expliciet want to specify the result of a function you can set it in the docblock

 * @response {
 *  data: [],
public function responseTag()
    return '';

API responses

If your API route accepts a GET method, this package tries to call the API route with all middleware disabled to fetch an example API response.

If your API needs an authenticated user, you can use the actAsUserId option to specify a user ID that will be used for making these API calls:

$ php artisan api:generate --routePrefix="api/*" --actAsUserId=1

If you don't want to automatically perform API response calls, use the noResponseCalls option.

$ php artisan api:generate --routePrefix="api/*" --noResponseCalls

Note: The example API responses work best with seeded data.

Postman collections

The generator automatically creates a Postman collection file, which you can import to use within your Postman App for even simpler API testing and usage.

If you don't want to create a Postman collection, use the --noPostmanCollection option, when generating the API documentation.

As of Laravel 5.3, the default base URL added to the Postman collection will be that found in your Laravel config/app.php file. This will likely be http://localhost. If you wish to change this setting you can directly update the url or link this config value to your environment file to make it more flexible (as shown below):

'url' => env('APP_URL', ''),

If you are referring to the environment setting as shown above, then you should ensure that you have updated your .env file to set the APP_URL value as appropriate. Otherwise the default value ( will be used in your Postman collection. Example environment value:


Modify the generated documentation

If you want to modify the content of your generated documentation, go ahead and edit the generated file. The default location of this file is: public/docs/source/

After editing the markdown file, use the api:update command to rebuild your documentation as a static HTML file.

$ php artisan api:update

As an optional parameter, you can use --location to tell the update command where your documentation can be found.

Skip single routes

If you want to skip a single route from a list of routes that match a given prefix, you can use the @hideFromAPIDocumentation tag on the Controller method you do not want to document.

Further modification

This package uses Documentarian to generate the API documentation. If you want to modify the CSS files of your documentation, or simply want to learn more about what is possible, take a look at the Documentarian guide.


The Laravel API Documentation Generator is free software licensed under the MIT license.