wamesk / laravel-validator
Laravel extended validator.
- php: ^8.0|^8.1|^8.2
- laravel/framework: ^9.0|^10.0
- wamesk/laravel-api-response: ^1.0
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-06 17:24:57 UTC
Laravel package that extends default laravel validator
composer require wamesk/laravel-validator
Publish translations
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Wame\Validator\LaravelValidatorServiceProvider" --tag="translations"
Validator used by default in this package.
It works by chaining functions and getting response.
Response is generated by wamesk/laravel-api-response
package functions.
To better understand how response works checkout documentation for response package here
Validate function
This function is final function. Always last. It requires data and rules for validation. Documentation for rules click here
Usage example:
$data = ['email' => 'example@gmail.com', 'password' => 'password']; $validator = Validator::validate($data, [ 'email' => 'email|required|max:255', 'password' => 'required|string' ]); if ($validator) return $validator;
In case of validation error it will return
{ "data": null, "code": null, "errors": { "email": [ "validation.required" ] }, "message": null }
Code function
This function is add internal code in response. You can pass second parameter that changes prefix for message translation.
Usage example:
$data = ['email' => 'example@gmail.com', 'password' => 'password']; $validator = Validator::code('1.2')->validate($data, [ 'email' => 'email|required|max:255', 'password' => 'required|string' ]); if ($validator) return $validator;
In case of validation error it will return
{ "data": "1.2", "code": null, "errors": { "email": [ "The email field is required" ] }, "message": "api.1.2" }
Messages function
This function adds custom response for validation. You need to pass objects of which key is field, and it's validation. As value, you pass your custom message as shown in example.
Usage example:
$data = ['email' => 'example@gmail.com', 'password' => 'password']; $validator = Validator::code('1.2') ->messages([ 'email.required' => 'Email is required' ]) ->validate($data, [ 'email' => 'email|required|max:255', 'password' => 'required|string' ]); if ($validator) return $validator;
In case of validation error it will return
{ "data": "1.2", "code": null, "errors": { "email": [ "Email is required" ] }, "message": "api.1.2" }
Status Code function
This function doesn't change response visually but changes status code of response. Default status code is 400 (Bad Request). If you want to chain all functions it can look like this. Status code is always integer.
Validator::statusCode($statusCode)->code($code)->messages($messages)->validate($data, $rules);
This package also provides you with these custom rules for your project.
Validator::code($code)->validate($data, [ 'id' => [ new Exists(User::class), ] ]);
Exists rule
This rule validates if entity exists. It requires model class in construct. Firstly it validates if there is entity with this parameter in database. Secondly it checks if it wasn't deleted, if it was it returns validation error. You can pass second (optional) parameter column name.
new \Wame\Validator\Rules\Exists(User::class, 'id')
IsInteger rule
This rule validates if attribute is integer. You can pass additional data (min, max) in construct to create range of acceptable integers.
new \Wame\Validator\Rules\IsInteger(min: 10, max: 100)
IsString rule
This rule validates if attribute is string. You can pass additional data (min, max) to validate length of string.
new \Wame\Validator\Rules\IsString(min: 10, max: 100)
IsArray rule
This rule validates if attribute is array. You can pass additional data (min, max) to validate length of array.
new \Wame\Validator\Rules\IsString(min: 10, max: 100)
IsEmail rule
Validates email format, checks domain existence, and optionally blocks temporary email domains in Laravel. You can pass additional data (true, false) to enable some functions.
new \Wame\Validator\Rules\IsEmail(domainMustExist: false, disableTempMail: false)