walterwhites / appium-module
Appium module for codeception
Appium module for Codeception
Easy Appium integration, iOS and Android Automation.
Table of Contents
Just add walterwhites/appium-module
to your project's composer.json file:
{ "require": { "walterwhites/appium-module": "dev-master" } }
then run composer install
config for iOS
class_name: IosTester modules: enabled: # Enable appium module - \Appium\Appium: - Asserts: config: # Configuration for appium module \Appium\Appium: host: local: true port: 4723 browserName: '' desiredCapabilities: platformName: iOS platformVersion: '13.2' deviceName: iPhone 11 Pro xcodeOrgId: '' xcodeSigningId: iPhone Developer noReset: true fullReset: false clearSystemFiles: true automationName: XCUITest bundleId: %IOS_BUNDLE_ID% #app: %IOS_APP_PATH% #bundleId: bundleId-of-your-app showIOSLog: false
Generating tester classes
To generate actor class for the AndroidTester
defined inside android.suite.yml
and ios.suite.yml
run the following command:
codecept build
Below an example of a classic register method
/** * @group register * Tests the sign up * @param User $params */ public function registerByEmail(User $params) { $this->test->clickOnButton('SIGN UP', 400); $this->test->clickOnButton('SIGN UP WITH EMAIL', 400); $this->test->setText('First name', $params->firstName); $this->test->setText('Last name', $params->lastName); $this->test->setText('Email address', $params->email); $this->test->hideKeyboard(); sleep(2); $this->test->touchPositionedButon(2); sleep(2); $this->test->touchPositionedButon(3); $this->test->clickOnButton('SIGN UP', 300); }
- clickOnButton clicks on the button with label 'SIGN UP' then 'SIGN UP WITH EMAIL'
- setText updates the text field with value 'First name' to $params->firstName
- hideKeyboard closes the Keyboard (not working on all iOS devices)
- touchPositionedButon taps on a button or checkbox according his position
protected $locatorStrategy = ILocatorStrategy::class_chain; protected $classChainSearch = IClassChainSearch::label; use Button; use TextField; public function setLocatorStrategy($locatorStrategy) { switch ($locatorStrategy) { case ILocatorStrategy::class_chain: $this->locatorStrategy = ILocatorStrategy::class_chain; break; case ILocatorStrategy::predicate_string: $this->locatorStrategy = ILocatorStrategy::predicate_string; break; case ILocatorStrategy::accessibility_id: $this->locatorStrategy = ILocatorStrategy::accessibility_id; break; } } public function setClassChainSearch($classChainSearch) { switch ($classChainSearch) { case IClassChainSearch::label: $this->locatorStrategy = IClassChainSearch::label; break; case IClassChainSearch::name: $this->locatorStrategy = IClassChainSearch::name; break; case IClassChainSearch::value: $this->locatorStrategy = IClassChainSearch::value; break; } }
ILocatorStrategy interface
default locatorStrategy is class chain, you can override it with the following statement
IClassChainSearch interface
IClassChainSearch is an interface which defines the way to search element in the class chain pattern, for example to search a button
public static $button = "**/XCUIElementTypeButton[%s == '%s']";
default value defined in AppTestCase is label, so each time clickOnButton is called, the previous statement becomes
public static $button = "**/XCUIElementTypeButton['label' == '%s']";
you can override it with the following statement
$this->test->setClassChainSearch(IClassChainSearch::name); OR $this->test->setClassChainSearch(IClassChainSearch::value);
full example here
$this->test->clickOnButton('SIGN UP', 400); $this->test->setLocatorStrategy("name"); $this->test->clickOnButton('button_name', 400); $this->test->setLocatorStrategy("value"); $this->test->clickOnButton('button_value', 400);
- the first clickOnButton clicks on button with label 'SIGN UP'
- the second clickOnButton clicks on button with name 'button_name'
- the third clickOnButton clicks on button with value 'button_value'
The second parameter of clickOnButton defines the time in ms before to perform the action