
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

My restriction free version of a CKEditor CDN extension for Yii2

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v1.0.1 2022-04-02 23:38 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-04-02 23:40:19 UTC


CKEditor Module for Yii2. Easily add the CKEditor CDN to your Yii2 application.

I have tried Redactor, TinyMCE, and CKEditor. If you only need basic features, like bold/italic then Redactor is great. I needed images, font size, font color, center, bullet lists, and many other features. I tried the 2Amigos CKEditor, but found the documentation lacking and was difficult to use.

I wanted it to use a CDN, to easily add plugins, change the skin, to upload images and files, and to be able to build my own config and use it straight from the CKEditor Toolbar Configurator.

This uses the original CKeditor CDN, but you can easily use any CDN you wish (CloudFlare, Amazon S3, etc).

By default, the editor will use the basic preset. What's the difference? View the CDN's directory listing, and you will see each preset. From there, you can see what plugins and skins are available for the presets. It will also use the config.js in that preset, but that can easily be overridden too.


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

composer require wadeshuler/yii2-ckeditor-cdn:~1.0

or add

"wadeshuler/yii2-ckeditor-cdn": "~1.0"

to the require section of your application's composer.json file.

Basic Usage

Add to your app's config:

'modules' => [
    'ckeditor' => [
        'class' => 'wadeshuler\ckeditor\Module',

Add to your view:

use wadeshuler\ckeditor\widgets\CKEditor;

<?= $form->field($model, 'text')->widget(CKEditor::className()) ?>

Advanced Configuration

You can add plugins, change the preset, override the controller to set up your own filebrowserBrowseUrl, use your own config.js. You should be able to do anything you need to with my extension! If something is missing or broken, please create a new issue and let me know.

Here is an EXAMPLE CONFIG showing most of the options. I have a lot of them commented out, so take what you need :)

'modules' => [
    'ckeditor' => [
        'class' => 'wadeshuler\ckeditor\Module',    // required and dont change!!!
        //'controllerNamespace' => 'wadeshuler\ckeditor\controllers\default',    // to override my controller
        //'preset' => 'basic',    // default: basic - options: basic, standard, standard-all, full, full-all
        //'customCdn' => '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/ckeditor/4.5.10/ckeditor.js',    // must point to ckeditor.js

        //'uploadDir' => '@app/web/uploads',    // must be file path (required when using filebrowser*BrowseUrl below)
        //'uploadUrl' => '@web/uploads',        // must be valid URL (required when using filebrowser*BrowseUrl below)
        // how to add external plugins (must also list them in `widgetClientOptions` `extraPlugins` below)
        //'widgetExternalPlugins' => [
        //    ['name' => 'pluginname', 'path' => '/path/to/', 'file' => 'plugin.js'],
        //    ['name' => 'pluginname2', 'path' => '/path/to2/', 'file' => 'plugin.js'],
        // passes html options to the text area tag itself. Mostly useless as CKEditor hides the <textarea> and uses it's own div
        //'widgetOptions' => [
        //    'rows' => '10',
        // These are basically passed to the `CKEDITOR.replace()`
        'widgetClientOptions' => [
            //'skin' => 'moono',    // must be in skins directory
            //'skin' => 'kama,http://cdn.ckeditor.com/4.5.10/standard-all/skins/kama/'    // skin from somehwere else - http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-skin
            //'extraPlugins' => 'abbr,inserthtml',     // list of externalPlugins (loaded from `widgetExternalPlugins` above)
            //'customConfig' => '@web/js/myconfig.js',
            //'filebrowserBrowseUrl' => '/ckeditor/default/file-browse',
            //'filebrowserUploadUrl' => '/ckeditor/default/file-upload',
            //'filebrowserImageBrowseUrl' => '/ckeditor/default/image-browse',
            //'filebrowserImageUploadUrl' => '/ckeditor/default/image-upload',


An important thing to know, is how we merge the options. The config are your global options. They will be passed to every instance of the input widget. If you declare any of the options in the input widget directly, it will override what you have in the config. The options are merged, and the input widget's options take precedence.

I strongly recommend making your own custom config.js with all of your options. If you have multiple editors with different options, you can make multiple config files and call them in the widget directly. For example, a config for admins with upload features, and a separate one for frontend users with most features removed for security.

CDN - This uses the original CKEditor CDN by default, but you can change it! In my example config above, I have //cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/ckeditor/4.5.10/ckeditor.js as the customCdn. You must point to the ckeditor.js file, and it will be able to find the plugins and skins from there! You could download the CKEditor library directly from their site, manually add any extra plugins or skins you want, and create your own config.js. Then upload it to your own CDN, like Amazon S3. The benefit, is that you wouldn't have to load and externally link to plugins or skins that aren't in the library by default.

More Configuration

Please, review the CKEditor Documentation for more configuration options.

Note: Anything that goes in the CKEDITOR.replace() goes in widgetClientOptions (config) or the input widget's clientOptions directly.


2amigos yii2-ckeditor-widget

