waad / media
Add media to your Laravel application in one place
2023-12-24 10:18 UTC
- php: ^8.0
🔥 Media Files Package
A Package to save your files Many Disks, Many Directories By Same Model
❤️ Authors
⚠️ Mini Requirement
* version >= 2.0.0
- PHP >= 8.0.0
- Laravel 8 , 9 , 10
* version < 2.0.0
- PHP 7.4
- Laravel 7 , 8
💯 Installation
To install
composer require waad/media
first :
publish the config
with the command:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Waad\Media\MediaServiceProvider" --tag="media-config"
configuration from config/media.php
sure from uuid
, shortcut
in config media
⚠️ clear cache is important, before publishing migrations
php artisan optimize
Second :
publish the migrations
with the command:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Waad\Media\MediaServiceProvider" --tag="media-migrations"
You can migration
php artisan migrate
You can make a link shortcut by disk from config.media.shortcut
array of disks
'shortcut' => [ 'public' => 'media', // disk => shortcut name ],
php artisan media:link
🧰 Usage / Example
In Model
<?php namespace App\Models; use Waad\Media\Traits\HasOneMedia; // or use Waad\Media\Traits\HasManyMedia; class Post extends Model { use HasOneMedia; <<------ return one last record of media // or use HasManyMedia; <<------ return list of media // $media_disk // $media_directory // if not define will get default `disk,directory` in `config/media.php` public $media_disk = 'public'; public $media_directory = 'posts/images'; ......
You Can get media
Upload Files
eg. Use in controllerstore
method to add One or Many Files
$post = Post::create([ ........... ]); $files = $request->file('image'); // one image $files = $request->file('images'); // many images // version < 2 // will return an array of file names $media = $post->addMedia($files); $media = $post->addMedia($files, $index = 1, $label = 'cover'); // *************************************************** // version >= 2 // will return the Media model or array of Media models on the Relationship $media = $post->addMedia($files)->upload(); $media = $post->addMedia($files)->label('cover')->index(3)->upload(); $media = $post->addMedia($files)->disk('public')->directory('posts/video')->label('cover')->index(3)->upload(); return $media;
Sync Files
eg. Use in controllerupdate
method to add One or Many Files
$post = Post::find(1); $post->update([ ........... ]); $files = $request->file('image'); // one image $files = $request->file('images'); // many images // version < 2 // will return an array of file names $media = $post->syncMedia($files); $media = $post->syncMedia($files, $index = 2); // *************************************************** // version >= 2 // will return the Media model or array of Media Models on the Relationship $media = $post->syncMedia($files)->sync(); $media = $post->syncMedia($files, $ids = [1,3])->sync(); // delete only these $ids and upload new files $media = $post->syncMedia($files)->label('cover')->index(3)->sync(); $media = $post->syncMedia($files)->disk('public')->directory('posts/video')->label('cover')->index(3)->sync(); return $media;
Delete Files
eg. Use in controllerdestroy
method to delete all or specific ids
$post = Post::find(1); // version < 2 // will return an array of file names $media = $post->deleteMedia($files); $media = $post->deleteMedia($files, $index = 2); // *************************************************** // version >= 2 // will return a bool or array of bool or null by on Relationship $media = $post->deleteMedia()->delete(); $media = $post->deleteMedia($medias_model)->delete(); $media = $post->deleteMedia([1,3])->delete(); // delete only these ids $lastMedia = $post->media->last(); // return Collection Media Model $media = $post->deleteMedia($lastMedia)->delete(); // delete only this media $media2 = $post->mediaById(8); $media = $post->deleteMedia($media2)->delete(); $mediaList = $post->mediaByMimeType('image/png'); $media = $post->deleteMedia($mediaList)->delete(); $post->delete();
- Other Helper
Only version >= 2
// get sum files size of post object (bytes) $post->mediaTotalSize(); //********************************************** // get count media of post object $post->mediaTotalCount(); // get count media with soft delete of post object $post->mediaTotalCount($withTrashed = true); //********************************************** // get media by id of the post object $post->mediaById(17); // get media with soft delete by id of the post object $post->mediaById(17, $withTrashed = true); //********************************************** // get media by mime_type of post object $post->mediaByMimeType('image/png'); // get media with soft delete by mime_type of the post object $post->mediaByMimeType('image/png', $withTrashed = true); //********************************************** // get media by approved boolean of the post object $post->mediaApproved(); // default true $post->mediaApproved(false); // get media with soft delete by approved boolean of the post object $post->mediaApproved(false, $withTrashed = true);
- You can update
all media of the object
$post->media->approve(); // put approved = true $post->media->disApprove(); // put approved = false
- You can get the
to upload that media
// if was HasOneMedia 1 - optional($post->media)->user; 2 - Post::with('media.user')->find(1); //********************************************** // if was HasManyMedia 1 - Post::with('media.user')->get(); 2 - $post->media->load('user');
🎀 Scope
You can get only approved equal true
$post->media->approved(); // approved = true
🍔 Permanently delete files
Determine delete_file_after_day
from config/media.php
must be integer
⭕️ Add Command to the crontab of the project to implement automatically
in app/Console/Kernel.php
add this:
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule) { // ..................... $schedule->command('media:prune')->daily(); }
⭕️ implemented manually
php artisan media:prune