vzgcoders / palace
ValZarGaming's offical Discord bot for moderation and fun built in ReactPHP.
- php: ^8.0.0
- react/filesystem: ^0.1.1
- team-reflex/discord-php: dev-master
- vzgcoders/twitchphp: dev-main
- ext-event: For a faster, and more performant loop
- ext-libev: For a faster, and more performant loop
- ext-mbstring: For accurate calculations of string length when handling non-english characters.
- ext-uv: For a faster, and more performant loop. PHP >=7 only. Preferred.
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-26 01:05:42 UTC
Development of this bot has been halted in anticopation of a full rewrite that will make it more easy to manage and develop for. Further updates will be made at https://github.com/VZGCoders/Palace-Revived/
About this bot
This fork is dedicated to maintaining the code used by Palace Bot#9203, which runs on the teamreflex/DiscordPHP API library. You can choose to self-host your own instance of this bot or invite my hosted instance to your server. If hosting your own instance, it is advisable to merge all -include.php files into run.php to remove the read overhead of loading a file every time it is needed OR the preferred method of enabling JIT via opcache in PHP's config. Please note that doing so will require the bot to be restarted any time a change is made to it.
Invite link: https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=662093882795753482&scope=bot&permissions=8
DiscordPHP Github: https://github.com/discord-php/DiscordPHP
Bot help: https://discord.gg/nQ5HxbkyyD / https://discord.gg/vNntRSe
Discord template: https://discord.new/ttHsSykz5c6A
Before you start
Before you start using this Library, you need to know how DiscordPHP works, how PHP works, and how ReactPHP Event Loops and Promises work. This is a fundamental requirement before you start. Without this knowledge, you will only suffer.
See https://github.com/elazar/asynchronous-php for resources.
Why is this bot open-source?
Because there's no reason not to. I made it to do something useful for my community and figured it would be a good learning experience for others.
Can I contribute to development?
Sure! If you find something wrong please create an issue if you discover one. If you have a new feature or want to change how something works create your own fork and make a pull requests. Please let me know before you decide to implement a new feature as there's a possibility I may have already written one with another bot I'm maintaining that I can import.
Can I fork it and distribute my own bot?
Yep! I'm issuing this code under the MIT license. I don't care what you do with it, so long as you credit me as the original author.
How much would it cost for you to host this bot for me?
I'm not in it for the money, but donations are always appreciated. You can either sponsor VZGCoders or me directly. You can invite the bot to your server and ask me for any help you might need at any time and I'll do my best to get back to you.
How can I support development?
Developing and maintaining bots like this one takes time and hard work. If you want to support the various projects I work on please consider donating. Telling your fellow server owners about it helps us too! The main thing that stalls development for us is lack of user feedback.