
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the mamitech/laravel-slow-query-log package instead.
There is no license information available for the latest version (v0.5) of this package.

v0.5 2022-02-07 10:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-04-14 05:44:35 UTC



Publish config

The first time you use this package, publish the configuration by typing php artisan vendor:publish --provider=Vynhart\SlowQueryLog\ServiceProvider

Enable it by settings environment variable SLOW_QUERY_LOG_ENABLED to true.

Set your minimum threshold of query execution to be considered slow by setting environment variable SLOW_QUERY_MIN_THRESHOLD to a number (in millisecond unit).

If you only want to trace certain files, set your environment variable SLOW_QUERY_TRACE_ONLY to some string. For example if you want to only keep the trace data of all files within app/ folder, set SLOW_QUERY_TRACE_ONLY to app/