
Vue.js & Laravel FullStack Components - Rapid Application Development

dev-master 2020-03-05 16:45 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-06 02:30:19 UTC



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vuravel\components is a library of components to help you write forms in a matter of seconds. No matter how complex the user input you need, you can find a component that handles that. You can also pick from different styles to suit your needs.

Refer to the the website for the most up-to-date information, demos and the complete detailed documentation on how to use this package:


You need to have a Laravel 5.6+ application installed on your local server.
You need composer to pull the vendor packages.
Vue.js 2.0+ is already shipped with a Laravel installation, so nothing to do here.
Node.js & npm to build and pull the Front-End modules.


Composer - Back-End setup

If you have a Laravel 5.6+ application installed, you may install vuravel/form via composer by running the following terminal command at your project's root folder:

composer require vuravel/components

Npm - Front-End setup

To pull the front-end module into your development environment, you will need to have nodejs and npm installed on your machine. Then you may run this command:

npm install --save vuravel-components

Once the install process is finished, you should import the javascript modules in your app.js . This will import all the Vue components from vuravel/form into your project and you will be able to use them everywhere in your Vue.js code.

window.Vue = require('vue');

//Adding vuravel after Vue has been required

And to import the scss code, add this line to your app.scss :


//For Forms: Pick your favorite form style
@import  'vuravel-form/sass/bootstrap-style';
//@import  'vuravel-form/sass/md-filled-style';
//@import  'vuravel-form/sass/md-outlined-style';
//@import  'vuravel-form/sass/floating-style';

//For Catalogs:
@import  'vuravel-catalog/sass/catalog';

//For Menus: Choose between minimal and classic style
@import  'vuravel-menu/sass/minimal-style';
//@import  'vuravel-menu/sass/classic-style';

After that just compile the assets.

npm run dev

And reference them in your template.

<!-- header -->
<link href="{{ mix('css/app.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">

<!-- scripts -->
<script src="{{ mix('js/app.js') }}"></script>

You are now ready to start creating Vuravel components!


Please refer to the website's complete Documentation



