
PHP Wrapper for AMQP

0.1.0 2014-07-30 20:03 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-11-19 07:58:38 UTC


Build Status Introduction

AMQPCarapace is a simple wrapper for videlalvaro/php-amqplib to make using its features easier and a little cleaner.

Important Notes

  • AMQPCarapace currently only has publish capabilities. Consuming and other abilities may be added in the future.
  • Mandatory flag on a message is not currently supported. You should keep this flag as false otherwise an exception will be thrown.

Installation Using Composer

Add "vu/amqp-carapace" to the require section of your composer.json file and run a respective install or update. For more information on Composer, please visit their website.

Basic Usage

Creating a Connection

Begin by creating a ConnectionSettings object with all of your exchange connection settings

$connection_settings = new \Vu\AMQPCarapace\Model\ConnectionSettings();
$connection_settings->host = "";
$connection_settings->port = 12345;
$connection_settings->user = "john";
$connection_settings->password = "smith";

$amqp_connection = new \Vu\AMQPCarapace\Connection\Connection();

Creating or Opening a Channel

Using your AMQP connection object, you can create a new channel or retrieve an existing one. This will return an AMQPChannel object which has wrapped the basic functionality of a videlalvaro/php-amqplib AMQPChannel object.

//Create a new channel
$amqp_channel = $amqp_connection->createChannel();
//OR retrieve an existing channel
$channel_id = 12;
$amqp_channel = $amqp_connection->retrieveExistingChannel($channel_id);

Publishing a Single Message

Create a transport object with your exchange-specific information and a message object with your message properties. After creating these objects, you pass them into the basicPublish method.

$transport = new \Vu\AMQPCarapace\Model\Transport();
$transport->exchange = "php_test";
$transport->routing_key = "php_key";

$message = new \Vu\AMQPCarapace\Model\Message();
$message->body = "This is my message - rawr";
$message->content_type = "text/plain";
$message->content_encoding = "UTF-8";

$amqp_channel->basicPublish($message, $transport);

Batch Publishing Messages

Use the same transport and message setup as publishing a single message above. Then add each message to the batch publish queue. Finally, call basicPublishBatch();

//Create messages 1, 2, and 3...
//Create transport 2

$amqp_channel->addMessageToBatchPublishQueue($message_1, $transport);
$amqp_channel->addMessageToBatchPublishQueue($message_2, $transport);
$amqp_channel->addMessageToBatchPublishQueue($message_3, $transport_2);
$amqp_channel->basicPublishBatch(); //Publishes all 3 messages with their separate transport settings

Closing a Channel or Connection

Just simply call close on the channel or connection object
