
2.0.0 2022-03-22 14:10 UTC


composer require vrnvgasu/php-rabbit-handler

Look examples in ./Examples.


Create new connection.

$connection = new Connection('localhost', 5672, 'guest', 'guest');


Create new queue.

$queue = new Queue('hello', false, false, false, false);

Pass '' as the first variable if you need a unique queue from rabbit.


Create new exchange.

$exchange = new Exchange('direct_logs', 'direct', false, false, false);

Bind queue and exchange

Create new binding.

$binding = new Binding();

You can create pass routing key in your binding.

$binding = new Binding('key');

Then you must to create helper and pass him $connection, $queue, $exchange and $binding.

$helper = new AMQPHelper($connection, $queue, $exchange, $binding);


Create new consume.

$consume = new Consume('', false, false,false, false);

You can pass callback function in Consume constructor to handle message from rabbit

$consume = new Consume('', false, false, false, false, function($msg) {
    print_r('Message: ' . $msg->body);

Or you can extend your consumer class from Consumer and declare callback method.

class TestConsumer extends Consumer
     * @param AMQPMessage $msg
    public function callback(AMQPMessage $msg): void
        print_r(' [x] Received ' . $msg->body . "\n");

        if (!$this->consume->getNoAck()) {

Then you must to create consumer and pass him $helper and $consume.

$consumer = new Consumer($helper, $publication);

Then call method execute.


If you want to interrupt the execution of the handler after a while, then use:

$seconds = 60;
$consumer->execute(true, null, false, $seconds);

This will interrupt execution after the specified time after processing the last message.


Create new publication.

$publication = new Publication([], 'hello');

Then you must to create producer and pass him $helper and $publication.

$producer = new Producer($helper, $consume);

You need payload for your producer. Producer can get payload from objects which implements JobInterface.

You can pass your job object to Producer object


Or you can pass producer to the method execute.



Prepare payload for producer.


At the first you need to transfer data for preparation to dispatch.

use ATC\Jobs\TestJob;

TestJob::dispatch($param1, $param2, $param3);

Class declaration

Your TestJob must extends from Job

class TestJob extends BaseJob


In TestJob you must to declare method handle with params which you pass in dispatch. handle will execute in dispatch.

    protected function handle($param1, $param2, $param3)
        // Parameters will be passed to this class automatically
        // You can do something with them and get some $data
        // In the same method, you need to transfer the payload to the method `payload` for `producer`