
This is simply compress your final out of Laravel Application and serve to the browser.

2.1.5 2024-12-11 17:37 UTC


This is simply compress your final out of Larvel Application and serve to the browser.

How to install ?

composer require vrkansagara/lara-out-press

How to activate this compression middleware in your application ?

Add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in config/app.php


Copy the package configuration to your local config directory using the publish command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Vrkansagara\LaraOutPress\ServiceProvider"

Enable on single environment .env


Enable on multiple environment .env


Enable this compressor by placing bellow code in .env file.


Display usage on each page


TO Do List

  • Compress browser output.
  • Except route(s)


  • Add analytics before compress and after compress.
  • Migrate code to Laravel package format.

Code assumption

This code is developed with the mind set of each request is filtered by this middleware. So most of the code will not be flexible by nature except configuration.

Improvement and suggestion are always welcome.

LaraOutPress Screen


You can

I would like take issue and pull request regarding this project and love to answer if anything on this. I would be more happy if you have on this.

Made with ❤️ in India