
The Titon utility package provides convenience classes for basic tasks like validation, formatting, sanitization and more.

v1.2 2018-03-01 11:15 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 19:58:06 UTC


The Titon utility package provides lightweight static classes for common tasks. All utilities extend a powerful macro system which permits the addition of new static methods at runtime.

use Titon\Utility\Inflector;

Inflector::macro('upperCase', function($value) {
    return strtoupper($value);

Inflector::upperCase('foo'); // FOO

Amongst the robust macro system, we can easily execute other functionality, for example. The Converter converts one type of data to another.

Titon\Utility\Converter::toArray($xml); // Supports arrays, objects, JSON, XML, serialized

Crypt encrypts and decrypts data through the mcrypt extension.

Titon\Utility\Crypt::blowfish('foobar', $salt);

Format formats strings into common patterns.

Titon\Utility\Format::phone('1234567890', '(###) ###-####'); // (123) 456-7890

Hash mutates or accesses data in arrays.

Titon\Utility\Hash::set($array, 'foo.bar', 'baz');

Inflector rewrites strings to specific forms.

Titon\Utility\Inflector::camelCase('foo bar'); // FooBar

Number applies calculations or evaluations on numbers.

Titon\Utility\Number::bytesTo(1024); // 1KB

Path resolves file paths, namespaces, and class names.

Titon\Utility\Path::className('Vendor\Foo\Bar'); // Bar

Sanitize cleans and filters data.


String modifies and analyzes strings.


Time evaluates and compares dates and times.


Validate validates data with defined rules and patterns. Can be used in combination with the Validator, which provides an object oriented approach to data validation.

Titon\Utility\Validate::ext($path, ['gif', 'png', 'jpg']);

Most of the functionality found in the static classes can also be found in global functions. The list of all functions can be found in the bootstrap file within the source folder.


  • Converter - Convert one type to another
  • Crypt - Data encryption and decryption
  • Format - Data formatting
  • Hash - Object and array manipulation
  • Inflector - String and grammar formatting
  • Number - Number manipulation
  • Path - File system and namespace path formatting
  • Sanitize - Data cleaning and escaping
  • String - String manipulation
  • Time - Date and time manipulation
  • Validate - Data validation and filtering
  • Validator - Schema Rule Validation


  • PHP 5.3.0
    • Multibyte
    • SimpleXML (for Converter)
    • Mcrypt (for Crypt)
    • Fileinfo (for Validate)